It's time for a new beginning (:
history maker, here i come.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
HIIIIIIIIII SCHOOLS COOL LALALALA. Okay today was ERM BIO first lesson. :s omg... wanted to fall asleep. i dont like bio lessons grahhh. But luv the teacher. haha ironic. Then chinese.. CHINESE SPEECH :( i was having pooping syndrome some more it was storming so i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cold haha but it wasnt that bad except my ending was kinda ... -.- and everyone laughed cos i didnt end properly!!:( then math... lalala continued with log. i lyk this topic. then lunch, went canteen watch them eat.. chatted :D so funz mans good way of class bonding the seating arrangement. yeah and then heh IH! ... Okay la. amusing. ms wong is always amusing. La is draw lots to present LA SPEECH ~~~ omgosh i didnt practise one bit but God's so good i didn't get chosen. yijing is darnnnn good. haha. then went to print out stuff and hand in to miss wong. AND WA !!! I MISSED BOM MEETING. bloody i didnt hear it in the morning, no one in my class did and after class we were at outside audi so we didnt hear anything. GRRRRRRRRR im so angry. :( haha yeah but taiwanese students r coming to our class tmr. 2 GUYS 1 GIRL AHAHHAHAHA i smsed suss and she was going high (despo) JK lol. omgosh luckily the clep ppl r forced to take care haha otherwise i might get saboed to take care of em :S
suss wld be glad to. ha. :D
rawrrr was so tempted to go kap cos rose is gg today but ahh well got my awesome friends takin care of her so thx so much rita lynn brose!!!! im going to study now everyones studying so hard i need to mug mug mug. yknow what im jus gonna off my com. cos its too distracting.JIAYOU ME BB!
Haha. yes well... I like what krys just said...
"Have faith! Those people with faith are the happiest! Because they know that everything is possible."
WAHHH. IM HAPPY IM HAPPY!!! Haha. On a sadder note............ Stop cursing. You don't realise how much you break could break your leaders heart. Sometimes people are so self centred you know? Wish they would stop looking at themselves for a moment and just realise how much effort others are putting into them before doing something so rash and just breaking their hearts. Admiration. Hmms. OK BACKTA STUDYIN. im happeh today! and i must b happy (: cos im a person of faith!
Hellooooooooooo. School was good. Woke up... not that tired actually. haha. yeah carried 7 books and my chem tb to school. found a seat on 171, susanna told me why. COS THERE WERE NO HWACHONG BOYS ON THE BUS. RAHHR. BE MORE MAN LA. -.- Yeah well good im fine with not having extention of school, i like school :D just keep the seats empty and free AHA. Hmm yeah well i feel like im gonna get stoned for that :S Lol yeah so i went to sleepz and then talk with cherie and suss.
PE was BASKETBALL TODAY. BASKETBALL!!! -.- haha. quite fun :D then chinese... presented speeches, mines tmr :D la, fun fun fun! dunno why i was so inspired to answer questions today. Haha cos it was really people related... the challenger disaster.. :( so sad. Haha i realise i can only ans questions during la when it's people related... Shoot. thats good... people-person :D but i need to improve on my gk. Yeah so then FINALLY after 3 hours. Lunch, and we have to sit by class now HAHA so cutez we didnt even do that in pri school. Then Chem, NO QUIZ PTL! started on mole. Then Math, log. then recess.. weird.. lunch then recess hahah:D
then bio... and DISMISSAL. whew. went kap met shannon MEME! chels wenglin rachel. shannon chels bs. Haha... left right after, saw huiqi on the way out. Ho hum...
Yeah okay... they released 2 block test topics today. And teachers day celebration. And dealing with ydff... God please show me how :( I must really mug harder, there's no time julie! in everything, but most importantly, in winning the souls!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Really need to stop.. wasting time!!!!! Need to realise that i have less time to study for this terms block test than last term ALREADY. shoulda starte 2 weeks ago. Sigh. I really really need to shine. PUSH YOURSELF PUSH YOURSELF.
In other words, praise God for a great follow up today, i really feel my skin becoming thicker but my heart becoming thinner, GUTS MAN, GUTS! Haha. Need to go rehearse chinese speech 1 or 2 more times and study chem. i shall just scare myself. CHEM BLOX IS NEXT WEEK OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!
tomorrow's a longggg day. and i left my file in school. pshhh. :S thank God nothing is due, earliest thurs math isl1. yeahhh and then bs afterwards, YAY. YAY. the harvest is here, we're gonna make sure the explosion comes! GO GO GO MY BELOVED CONNECT GROUP! anything for the souls, anything for the souls.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Okay. school was pretty awesome. Don't ask me what got into me last night, devil playing with my emotions. All the way till i reached school. Mrs Shirlyn Tieh.... Grr... I'm very sorry i filled the form in red but dun need so fierce ma :( say nicely i will also apologise. Haii FORGIVE FORGIVE! And because i was quite off balance i was like nearly tearing after that -.- Gosh, thank You God :)
But things became lots happier after i reached class, went for pm :) And then... then... all the crazy h1n1 rules started coming HAHA. but the awesum things 1) NO FLAGRAISING 2) NO CCA 3) SCHOOL DISMISSAL 1.15 on wed n thurs, WOOHOO. Yeah math first lesson was completely T.T Yeah i was half dead haha then physics, not that bad just gg thru stuff, and omg i got 7/10 for my quiz, 3rd one i passed this year, PTL!! must continue improving:) although i failed e ws.. zzz... need physics tuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mum & dad dunwan. Haha then LA, fun ness! lunch, printing out stuff and work. After that chinese, go thru compre, OMGGG 2nd time i got above 35 HAHAHA YAYY YAYY PTL!!!!!!! then cct went thru h1n1 briefing hahaha
after tat cherie n denise so kindly followed me and then i went home. today needta start mugging and memorising chi speech!! JIAYOU JULIE. SHINE GOD'S LIGHT!
these few days... I really finally feel... Like... i'm .. WHOLE! not in the emotional sense, in the sense i have everything i need. Awesome God... Awesome Jesus... Awesome Holy Spirit... My awesome family who r just so generous and nice, mum and dad spending so much money on me without hesitation last week and jiejie buying all that cheese(HAHAHA BROSE) and amazingly good tasting sauces back from melbourne. MMM. My awesome leader, miss krystle liew. amazing. shes amazing AMAAAZING :D and my awesome connect group... I love them i love them to bits. and my awesome best friends... the four of them... they make my life.. :-) 304 & w445, amazing groups of people God has blessed me with that can cheer me up just by being around them..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Hai today................ I fell asleep starting from 10+ last night. Fell asleep crying. Woke up 10.45... hot, annoyed, didnt know what was gg on. Cried again.. fell asleep at 11.15. krys called at 11.23!!!:( im so sad. so annoyed. blarrrrdy devil. and i just slept all the way till now.... not tired anymore at least (weirdly) yeah its 6.18. Woke up... and i cried again. I dont even know what the devil's doing to me. BUT GO AWAY. So... after 6 weeks of not singing it with passion... I sang it and cried my heart out again... I guess its really a song through the wilderness.
Fear not, for i am with you.
Be not dismayed, for i am your God
I will strengthen you,
yes, i will help you,
i will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
isaiah 41:10.
thank God for this verse.
Im going to sleep for 40 min more.
and when i wake up. things are going to change.
today's gonna be an awesome day!
Jiayou julie!
Let Your glory...
Let Your honor..
Shine through us, shine through us!
IPOD. :(
ah... but i promised myself i wont ever end a post with a sadface unless for sarcasm intentions. I believe i'll find you... God please increase my capacity.
Like what nicolette's blog said, let everything that i do for You, for w445, for my connect group, for 304, for e christians in 304, for greenclub, for everything... let me do it with the simplest, purest of heart. Not wanting glory not wanting honor, but knowing that the love You gave to me is just sufficiently, abundantly more than enough for me.
On a random note, i jogged today.... and i'm pretty alive still.. gonna qt now and gonna make that call that krys asked us to... Please be there Holy Spirit!
Had an awesome svc today and epicly one small part of what pastor derek talked about is what i typed last night :-D or morning. Haha. Okay i started off the day.... not quite awake or asleep, but quite annoyed. Zz. Yes well svc was great James came :DD! Had an event, and it was quite fun. Wooohooo considering i didnt do anything except watch spas games haha and sissy and this n209 guy dance OMG SO PRO SO KEWL!!! Haha. Krys drove meeee home waha thanks I LEARNT MANY THINGS!! I LUV LEARNING THINGS! INTELLIGENCE! OK now i need to go pray abit to decide abt my plan for the last official rest of my holiday cos my body's really weird now :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
OMG!!! HAHAHA HERE I AM AGAIN TO SAY I HAD SUCH AN EPICLY AWESOME QT !! !! !! !! !! Ahh well i started at like 3.40am so i was like completely *blur* but it really takes some telling to God that you're willing to crucify your flesh and just pray and spend time with Him no matter what aye :)? Haha YES QT WAS SO AWESOME! Wow when i was praying especially in the area of leading 304 it was like Holy Spirit moving inside of me i was completely.. ON FIREEEEEEEEEEEEE :-D
God please teach me to to crucify my flesh more, not just once or twice or everytime, to be that one that You can dwell in(:
“Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding:
Far be it from God to do wickedness,
And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.
For He repays man according to his work,
And makes man to find a reward according to his way."
Job 34:10-11
LUV THIS VERSE. No i'm not telling you guys to stop blaming God... because usually we don't do that. But the point is that we've really got to stop learning to fall down to the wilderness in our lives. If God did not set out to do wickedness, and the wilderness is what so many young christians deemed 'devil-get-me-down-time' , that would make God really evil. WHICH. He is obviously not. Like the verse says, God repays man according to his work. If during the wilderness, you choose to hang on, you choose to trust Him and not COMPROMISE on any parts, God says that He will make you find your reward.
“For His eyes are on the ways of man,
And He sees all his steps.
There is no darkness nor shadow of death
Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
Job 34:21-22
Ahh... sometimes we really have to remember that God's up there.. watching down, like krys said today, God's an UP-God, not just in mental but also physical, therefore He can always see what lies ahead. God's so big, His eyesight is beyond perfect, And He can always see whats gonna come up right ahead. NO DARKNESS CAN HIDE! God can see everything! And if God can see it, would He be so horrid to let it just come to you for no purpose to batter you down?
Although you say you do not see Him,
Yet justice is before Him, and you must wait for Him.
And now, because He has not punished in His anger,
Nor taken much notice of folly,
Therefore Job opens his mouth in vain;
He multiplies words without knowledge.”
Job 35:14-16
Haha... yeah. i think for me the comforting factor is actually that God always sees us but not that we always see Him yeah? Wait for God. Wait on Him. God, just like job, is not punishing you in anger! He just wants you to wait on Him. And therefore with that concluding sentence that Job opens his mouth in vain - complaining and crying and groaning and every possible complaint ever, simply because He was without the knowledge that God is not causing tribulation in anger, but He's causing tribulation in such a great love... the same for all of us.
Okay :D Job is really such a nice book. Job also teaches us that we haveta hav friends too, cos it's His friends that said all these wise words, HAHA. OK ITS LIKE 5.26 am im waking up in half an hour but revelations cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JULIE IS A SEA OF GALILEE FLOWING WIF LYFE! Give me strength today please God!
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELO! OMG TODAY IM HAPPYHAPPY^^ slept 4 woke up 10 finished bio poster and completed most of essay. (krys taught me how to edit it :D) and then went leaders meeting PRAYPRAY felt so awesome wahaaaa EMPOWERED then cell group wahaaa EMPOWERED AGAIN! krys kept "Why fear?" and really. WHY FEAR. oh man i was such an idiot. So many lessons learnt today thanks krys. and finally, prayed together as a connect group again :D ahhh from the last time 15-30 second prayers their prayers really have grown so much, can feel the passion now, SO HAPPY! (:
went to orchard with rui and lynn ate dinner and rui left, lynn accompanied me around, THANKS MY AWESOME FWEN i havent bought clothes in so long it was such a joy to actually buy stuff ^^ so much more i coulda bought my crazy sales just make me go high and weird Haha. Bought 4 tops from esprit, and then one top from pull and bear and then shoessssssssssssssssssss :D quite dull but ahh it will last me 2-3 years and its steve madden so its cool.
Im really happy today. finally seeing things through God's eyes, i feel so different ALREADY, but i know there's more self-dependency to get rid off and more of me to be broken, use me God!!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
HELLO. Duhh okay slept at 4 last night looking at sad blog and ahlian blog (HAHAHA). someone was so amused. Yeahh :( But ahh. I MUST REALLY BRING UP THE SCGS GIRLS! My burden my burden my burden. There's so many people who are hurting out there... Worse than those who's parents are fighting, who're having a divorce are those who've had a lovely family before and suddenly one parent just disappears... to Heaven.(hopefully) We really need to help them pick themselves up.
What would i have become?
What would i have done?
Where would i be?
If You never lifted me
That was such an AWESOME QT!!!!!!! AHHH!!!! AHH!!! (: Okay i was feeling really crappy tonight. As in really really crappy. Worse than pms, cos the crappy this time included heavy annoyance. Haha. I was being a ... OKOK NONO HAHA. Yeah well.... QT was.. just so amazing (: i think people are so dumb to not do qt when they r going thru hard times!! its the time we're you'll feel God the most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this entire chapter of Isaiah
Isaiah 18
1 Woe to the land shadowed with buzzing wings,
Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,
2 Which sends ambassadors by sea,
Even in vessels of reed on the waters, saying,
“ Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin,
To a people terrible from their beginning onward,
A nation powerful and treading down,
Whose land the rivers divide.”
3 All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth:
When he lifts up a banner on the mountains, you see it;
And when he blows a trumpet, you hear it.
4 For so the LORD said to me,
“ I will take My rest,
And I will look from My dwelling place
Like clear heat in sunshine,
Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”
5 For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect
And the sour grape is ripening in the flower,
He will both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks
And take away and cut down the branches.
6 They will be left together for the mountain birds of prey
And for the beasts of the earth;
The birds of prey will summer on them,
And all the beasts of the earth will winter on them.
7 In that time a present will be brought to the LORD of hosts
From[a] a people tall and smooth of skin,
And from a people terrible from their beginning onward,
A nation powerful and treading down,
Whose land the rivers divide—
To the place of the name of the LORD of hosts,
To Mount Zion.
EEEKS AMEN!! Haha yeah so it's like amazing la, like the first bolded part describes how we the world... think we're so powerful, so full of ourselves, our destructiveness. Then God comes in and says to me in the red part that He can only dwell in a place which is pure, thats why He needs to cut off the sprigs and pruning hooks, all the extra stuff and throw it all away. And then after that we're like the TALL people with a tall Inner man and smooth skin without any cracks or bumps or things that arent meant to be thr. Then God reminds us again that we are sinners... But cos Christ love's for us He'll lead us into His dwelling place (:
Praying in tongues is so awesome. Its so so awesome.
I have not finished bio sia. (...) i do not know what to say. I cut my hair. I bought food from cold storage. My throat still itchy. Getting nagged by my parents - for what, i shall not say. Cos im a nice person. Zzz. Bad mood bad mood bad mood. What shd i do... What shd i do.... Too much to do......
Jesus.... Help :(
HULLO I have so far only fully completed math sia :S Gah but i havent done the ppt! Okay yeah finished another part of bio sia, really hope i can finish it today so i can be burdenless over the weekend and just mug for fun. Today i need to complete
Find the songs for sing4me,eat4free (Bleah i dont know songs)
finish bio sia
finish chinese speech ( mum's home by God's grace :D)
finish la summary
call olivia, yixuan and melissa
okay thats actually alot. then i can start mugging cos i know i really need to. and im not gg to iworship tonight :( need to get well i cant afford to fall sick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
HEYHIHELLO. Didn't blog yesterday, as predicted (feel like a good girl cos of that) Haha Yeah Okay tuition from 9-11 ytd, finished my circles assignment and did abit of log. Then went to bukit timah market to eat... BY MYSELF. Had hokkien mee and it was SO GOOD!!! best i've ever tasted. Haha. And i found it by myelf. Cos isaac ong effectively replied me 1 hr later and ambrose is like doing shopping in taiwan. Yeah ok then i waited at the bus stop for HALF AN HR then waited for another half an hour upon reaching laitengs house, no worries, i had fun :-D HHAHA
did math sia, really fast, finished quite early played taiti and i lost all e first rounds but then in the end i got 3rd, 2nd, and left the house with a CHAMPION 1st HAHAHA it was victory ok they kept owning me >:( Haha then was meant to meet my papa for some fellowship time since he just came back after a month but he abandoned me so i met my other papa and we went tampines to find a hair shop and ask my mum for money to go shopping but unfortunately mum went home early cos she was sick , get well!! ): haha ate yoshi and tako and fudge brownie for dinner, it cheered me up significantly. haha. thanks for bearing with me!!
went for SOSBS FINALE! AHHH it was so goood good goood :) cant describe it. But when i came home i was thinking crap its so late pls let me do a good qt and it was so good... I finally told God how i was really feeling and He just overwhelmed me and let me know that it's gonna be okay :)
BUT BEFORE THE QT was the treacherous journey of getting home, cos by the time sosbs ended , the last train towards city ENDED omggg hahahha it was soo fun ^^ i love adventures like that cos you know that it'll turn out fine but you just dunno how hahaha!! reached home 1, slept at like 3+++ and woke up at... 1pm today.
had a very interesting series of dreams. dreamt abt everyone i could possible know and woke up feeling so confused. stop laughing mao.
mum's sick and my throats bad so.. i hope i can finish work and go iworshiptonight!! :(((
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I... will be going for tuition in 1 min now :( It's 7.59 am. :( couldn't sleep last night and woke up to early this morning. So annoyed. Boreeeeeeeeeeeeed bored bored BOO BOO BOO BAAA BAAA BEEEEEE. Bleah. What can i say. today's gonna be a long day. I know God's with me.... in fact, that's all i know.
Okay that one minute is now over, good bye! :)
HEY. today was an.. interesting experience, but tiring... extremely. YA. Haha, went to Canossaville Children's Home to organise a party for the kids for LA SIA. Yes well met the others in school and went to coro to eat golden rooster. (EUNICE TSKTSK) Haha yeah. Then we bused down and started decorating and preparing the cames.
Well i won't go into detail 1) cos i'm too tired 2) i needta do qt 3) dad's home after a month and he came back with 2 stitches on his head (lmao) 4) it's just a whole load of info. But yeah the kids are really friendly and when they are not being friendly... well... they're just being kids so that's acceptable. Met one girl that is sooooooo cute look's like mao's sister ahaha except much smaller and another girl who's sooooooooooo cute too haha!!
Omg i forgot to bring the milo felt soooooooo guilty :( ahhh too messed up man! Sorry mandy! :( Haha Yeah okay so i had fun. I feel exhilaration when i work with kids! But i get tired after awhile... Must work on that. Okay so yeah reached home at 7 , tomorrow's a busy day.
tuition 9-11
math sia 1-5
sosbs 7.30-10.30
Gah. Must count on the strength of God for tomorrow. Much work to finish too. God please guide me thru !!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
HEL-LO. Yess i slacked away and had a good sleep instead cos i felt like puking.. Darn -- It's okay, i've just got like half of a few thingS left hahaha. Joy's at my house now, totally couldn't wake up when she came. But yeah there's... blood in my poop again HAHA (dots) it always happens after ...... i realised. Yeah omg hope mum doesnt bring me to the doctor or start applying the lubricants and drinking fibregel again :(
Today going some children's school to organise a party and stufferz, hope that it turns out well and the children have fun :) Be back at night, Arghhhhhhhh. i'm really tired. Yeah well, bye. I'm going to enjoy today as much as possible.
That was an... inspiring quiet time. Not tears, not Holy Spirit KABOOM! Just.. so.. Inspiring. God spoke to me to do something, now i'm just going to wait for krystle's yes and off i'll go, with or without my fellow comrades :)
Haha Yes VOTD:
"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord"
Isaiah 11:2
Ahhh Holy Spirit come and rest upon me and move in me greater than You've ever done before! I need those qualities, to become the leader that you want me to be, in church and in school.
Alot of things to do tonight. Need to call some new members, some new friends. Believing that as i set the kingdom of God first, everything will be added. And of course it will... Seriously, when has it not?
YAY finished my part for chem sia. feeling accomplished. Alright, off to find a few articles for chinese and then an early QT today so i can get mum to help me write essay at night (hahah).
BIO SIA Report - Sent mrs wong an email but shes taking too long to reply. I'll just go ahead.
1 chinese book review (2 left!)
Draft out Chinese Speech
LITTLE BIT ONLY.Plus i slept alot today and i'm doing my QT early, SO IM DETERMINED TO FINISH ! Haha and perhaps finish my chinese book too (: LA SIA at canossiaville tomorrow!
Monday, June 22, 2009
PTL (!!!) Youth Day Fun Fair is postponed omg~~~ Heeeee :D God indeed is so good. Haha. Omg! I feel so happy :) Haha. Glad i decided to stop worrying and let God start moving, He really does amazing things (: Now must buck up, pray more, fast more (when school starts) and believe for more and more amazing things to happen!
Today... Played gunbound. Someone didn't keep their promise. Hmm. :( Yeah but finished my math concept map (except the ones i don't know, will bring for tuition) and finished one chinese book review :) ahh the next one requires alot of creativity, God, please let Your amazing creative juices flow to me :)
HEY!:-) Okay.... i slept for 10 hours again :S Too tired, throat too itchy, bleaghhh :S Yeah. Okay Today i need God to help me make a commitment to really finish as much work as i can. I don't want to be rushing work on sunday, or even saturday. Okay i just spam coughed into my hot chocolate cos i didnt want it splattering everywhere, HAHAHA but i'm still going to drink it cos it's the last of yixuan's hot chocolate (see i treasure it so much) yum to the chocolate, gross to the germs.
I MUST PRESS ON (: Love the woman with the issue of blood song... we haven't sang that in a long while.
Verse Of The Day For yesterday :)
"Look, i go forward, but He is not there, And backward, but i cannot perceive Him; When He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him, When He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that i take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold."
Job 23:8-10
Wow..... Sometime's we keep wondering, where is God? Where is He... But God is always working, just that when He works on the left, we look to the right, when He works on the right, we look to the left. That's why it's so important to pray and pray and pray and read and read and read God's Word, so that we can understand Him and be able to know where He is working in. After that, after the testing... "I shall come forth as gold. "I really want to come forth as gold. YDFF is next friday, i really need to pray more because i know's it's only God's grace and power that can ever help me through this thing. Please increase my capacity :( Please. I know i can do it through You and You only God :)
Ahhh. :( i just wasted like 1 and a half hours away, feel like such a pig. Was looking through some blogs and fb duhh.. And it made me all sad again ): Wish i could reach out to some of the blogs i read, cos all i can picture is the love that they can feel healing their extreme hurts when Jesus comes into their lives.
Yeah i need to go pray now. These are just one of those times when you don't feel like praying yeah. But i know i have to so i'm going to go and spend some time with God because i'm starting to look through the world's eyes at the stuff ahead and it's really overwhelming me. I must remain joyful through any situation because my joy's not of this world :) keep smiling!!
"The truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.
From hq's tumblr. How true. Ahhhh i feel so sad for some people out there :-( Which reminds me. Can someone explain to me what's with the tumblr and all the posting of those... nice pictures and classic words. Is it like... hand-in-hand or.. ?
Ah looks like i'm going to be completely regretting wasting this time. Anlynn Tehhhz and Yx just called. Spastics i thought it was JAMIE haha omg ~ Sorry girlies tmrw is stay home and i study day! My throat is really itchy. Hope i don't suffocate from my phlegm again. GONNA PRAY. GONNA PRAY. :( Help me God!!!! Help me to make the right choice, Your choice. :(
I had accomplishing fun today (: Woke up at 11, slacked ate till around 12 + and began work will 2+. Did math concept map, took me the whole afternoon and i still haven't finished it. Gahh.
Jamie and Peian came over today :) Heehee they're so funny ya jamie can't open doors. Then rui came over to deliver me cardboards ~ I NEED DESPERATELY PLEASE DONATE!!! Did work the whole afternoon till evening then we went exercise corner to play ahaha!
Unfortunately, not very accomplishing today because i never expected a concept map to take so long. Well i'm going to go finish what i can up of that since i don't know how to proof a lot of properties. And i'll start on my chinese work and perhaps feel more accomplished (: Will do QT later tonight, Haha. Just need to write that out as a commitment.
WELCOME HOME KRYSTLE :D Happiness! Haha oooookey bye back to work.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Isaiah 7:9aIf you will not believe, Surely you shall not be established." ' "It's so simple. straightforward. and direct. Meaning you can just flip it around, and it'll go " if you WILL believe, surely you SHALL be established. " ' " This is my VOTD verse of the day for yesterday, quite amused by the number of " at the end, haha. yeah.
Haha. Wow (: Love it. I WILL BELIEVEEEEE 8)
An analogy i came up with - don't worry it's not as weird as the pooping one. Haha. i realised i haven't been sharing stuff in a long time. My posts don't seem that... on fire anymore eh? Well i guess i've changed, so my posts won't totally be when like i was a baby christian, but the revelations do still come and God wants us to be a sea of galilee - flowing and full of life rather than a dead sea - full of minerals, but not flowing, Amen? Omg i just used FLOW two times in one sentence, AHHAAAA.
Yeah Okay so here's my fire analogy (: , shared it with someone already, but let's just type it out here, so that i can remember it too!!! I got this analogy after talking to chelsea about volcanos. (:p)
Like what we've been learning lately, we need the fire of the Holy Spirit to come upon us so that it will burn away things that are not pleasing to God. In real day context, when fire burns and burns, ash is left behind. What is ash? Something black, sooty, ugly on the outside, but also something that helps the land to grow, to produce a harvest and fruits. Sadly sometimes when we see the 'ash' the Holy Spirit fire has left behind, we only see the outside of it, we only see the trials, the tribulations, the hurts, the brokenness. But then again, we have to remember, what use is ash unless it is mixed with the harvest fields? Guys, you have to learn to accept the ash, let it mould into you, grow into you, mix into you, and after a season or two, a small little seedling would have grown into a huge tree of fruits, of miracles.
Yeah. never thought i'd love ash so much. Haha. After looking up at the dictionary. WA. realised, we all really do need that burning fire in us, not just in the aspect of producing ash, but look at this.
"fire verb [T] to heat objects made of clay in a kiln
so that they harden"
So whats the fire for guys? It's to turn us from that soft.. mushy clay that can be dented or bent or even broken apart when someone (or the devil) touches it to BECOME a hard, ceramic, sturdy, strong object which God can use to display as a light, as His precious work in the Master Potter's ceramic shop... :p
Hiiiiiiii. Fortunately, i managed to actually roughly finish my targetted work this time :-D Yay. Okay must continue with work today:
Math Concept Map
Bio SIA report (sum it up)
Chem SIA research + report
3 Chinese book reviews
Chinese speech
Gahhh one of the simplest hw, la summary and i just can't be bothered to do it. summary's annoy me so much, maybe thats why i suck at the chinese ones, along with the additional fact that i suck at chinese. Haha. Must improve! Must improve! (: I must be the city set on a hill that CANNOT be hidden, no matter how much i try, Heee hee :-D
I just received a message. Oh man thanks God when i was sms-ing her i didn't know whether she would even reply or not, cos she never really does HAHAAAA but when she replied, it's really wow. Prayer changes things. It helps you to do the impossible and touch the lives you never thought you could touch. So i gotta continue praying, cos i know God's not done with me yet. And God's not done with you too :)
Heeehee. (: Decided to change skin, this time quite fast right!! Use few months only. Yes okay just finished chem sia got my hands and ruler all stinky...
Things i'm targeting to finish by tonight
Bio Sia Report (roughly)
Math SIA (Archaeologist part, concept map tomorrow)
Chem SIA Report.
Mm. Going to go do QT now, need to increase my capacity by tonnes. Looking at the schedule of the weeks ahead... If i were alone, i would be serious comitting suicide. (i'm a weakling, haha). Yeah but with the power of God, i believe i'm going to be able to complete everything, excellently. (:
PS. byebye Ambrose, don't forget to do your QT in taiwan. BUY ME SOMETHING ~ Haha jk.
Sunday is over :S But that's not the point. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! To my awesome father God, to my awesome earthly daddy, and to my children's dad, cheryl, THIS SHOUT OUT IS FOR YOU!
Thank you for being such an awesome dad, always taking care of me... or my kids, loving me and basically... creating me la. one way or another. hahaha. KKx YEAH woke up at 6 today, newton, saw vincent kwong on the bus omg he and i were the only ones i totally pretended to be sleeping. managed to catch rui today, HAHA.. okay he had to wait ABIT . nyeh but we WALKED to hall 1 today. sheesh. and we like lied down on the floor outside hall 3 cos it was so empty HAHAAAA supaaaa fun. Service today was great, a really awesome message :) Take all the hurts, burdens, put it in the cup, and release it to the Lord (:
After service rui and i talked to angel about your special plan OOOOOOO !! God please help us in this. :) determined to touch melvin's life! i'm going to start talking as if i know him now, cos i'm sure i will!!!! then had a briefing with leila about ALLLL the retention events coming up.. like 4 of em omg! HAHA oh well... at least God answered my prayers fast when i asked Him to make me an amazing person.. Here comes the trials and tribulations :)
Went attributes and "more fun, less whining" ROFL JOKE yeah and ate lunch and kallang and HOME. at 5... overtime man. But slept on the bus looked really unglam but feel super much better now, lotsa work to complete today, strength and wisdom and knowledge from God please! :)
sometimes it just seems that the dreams that God give to us are like... so impossible to achieve hmm. Ahhh but then after i look at all the amazing things He did with all the people in the Bible, i'm so convinced He's going to use me too. It's so hard to understand how He can make so many people stand out, how He can use everyone in His own amazing way, especially since there's so many of us. But then again, i guess that's why we call Him amazing God. God please use me please use me. When i say that I'm going to be a history maker, it seems like such a joke sometimes, but yet again i am reminded that if i do God's will, i'm indeed going to be a history maker!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I wonder why 10 minute breaks pass by as if it's only been 1
Daft little boys and girls...
Hey (: Hello (: Hi (:
YupOkayYeahItWasSuchAnAwesomeQt!!!! Omgosh it's like suddenly i could feel the passion burning again... i don't know how to explain! But it was so amazing! Feel like i'm finally doing everything with courage, nothing to be afraid of anymore (:
Haha... Well.. Just spent half an hour calling my whole class. GOSH like is everyone out on a saturday night!? haha!! Yes well. i believe ydff will be a success, when God's here, nothing can go wrong :) Yeah... Ahh... My body is achingly tired, but i'm gonna chiong work today, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, take me Jesus! USE ME!
love this verse in proverbs... i highlighted it before, but it didn't like... burn me up so much until today :)
hee. actually its just really short. just 6 words.... 1/3 of a verse. what a nice line..
Proverbs 30:16
"... ... ... And the fire never says, "Enough!" "
Gosh... looking in front you can tell this is about not enough satisfaction. AHH. THE FIRE NEVER SAYS ENOUGH. Need to keep that passion burning. The vision flowing. Because, the fire NEVER says... Enough :) It never says, enough with all the crap and the pain and the tiredness and the brokenness, it always says... "I believe there is more!" "I'm not satisfied"!!!
Hey(: TODAY. Starting from 12 am, nearly finished my chinese book. It was the nicest simple book i've ever read. I'm still pondering over it now. Yeahhh Did project and watched mandy freakout and watched the bus stop be a baby :S Haha. Slept near 6, woke up 9.. prayprayprayed.
Finished my book. Chinese. mmm. 4 more to go!(: God's so awesome. Yeah then. I went and tried to sleep for one hour but i couldnt sleep, argh. Woke up and whined my lyfe away ~ Woots
Lunch, went for cell, it was a really really good message. Must regain the passion back, and it should remain burning! Ah it was so good, but cell seemed into end so fast. Haha. Talked to eve, got whacked by ajay (smelly), got assaulted .. -.- !!
YEA OK. Went home with chels, bought stuff from 7 eleven haha i bet she loves my jelly drink now too ^^ going to qt now... Feeling so.. :( Need Jesus... Need His everlasting joy to fill my heart (:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Don't our fears just seem so small, when all we are looking at is God?
Your eyes search the world... over kings and queens, looking for a child,
just like me
God... transform me... let my love for You overwhelm You
This is ambrose.. BEING SCARY!!
humptydunk says:u suck la
humptydunk says:nono
humptydunk says:
Ambrose says:
Ambrose says:
Ambrose says:
Ambrose says:HUH
Ambrose says:
humptydunk says:
Ambrose says:
Ambrose says:LOL
Ambrose says:
Ambrose says:
HIHIHIII ! ^^ today was a fun day
today cherie suss hf mandy sf sihui came over
half for chem sia half for ydff
HAHA cherie came over at 11 and woke me up and we talked so much crap
cos ytd was her SPECIAL DAY. LOL.. she kept retelling it to everyone
chemsia was... SMELLY . and mushy. and .. gaggy
thats all i can say HAHAH!!
then after that had a gd talk with jamie and cherie came in halfway
and then e 4 of us prayed together
ahhh first time praying with 304 other than saying grace with suss it felt so great
thanks so much God :)
Went for sos bs..
was late, sadly, missed p&w!
the message was amazing
and laying hands was more amazing :O
first time.. nothing.. then got up and WAOO started crying like mad
then pastor came AGAIN to lay hands on me AGAIN
i think it was pastor derek, THX YOU!
HAHA it was so funny.
i was sitting alone. rita was sitting alone. ling was sitting alone. bentay was sitting alone.
dunno wat happened today LOL!!!
hAHHAA. yeah, went home with rita
omg was so retarded today had to have a retard remind me its kallang :S
oh well.
Yep :)
need to get things more in order!
all for You :)
You broke for us, we break for others!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I wish people out there would stop judging and assuming.
It's so stupid how somehow if something happens to you it has to happen to someone else.
And i'm being so petty about this because
People don't understand the effort that i went through
Because i never told anyone.
They thought they knew everything that was going on
But bloody if you thought you did, ask me and i'll tell.
But i can't, because it's too much for words to describe.
Stop assuming things about me.
Because if you do that, you're all just assuming my trust with God
and my trust with my leader
And if i have broken their hearts once BELIEVE ME i honor them enough not to make the same mistake ever again.
Just stop it.
Shut up and listen.
Cos this is not what i need to deal with right now.
And don't go all gossipy about what this is about.
If it doesn't concern you, it doesn't.
nnanaannaa feel good after so long, going to blog! :)
Yup today okay slept at 1... READING CHINESE.
planned to wake up at 8, TO READ CHINESE.
but ended up waking at 10, THEN READ CHINESE.
finished one book by 12 +, and another book by 5.50
HAHA OMG -.- power, praise God man (:
Yup then rui and i 190-ed and bak kut teh-ed (rui is so nice ^^, SEE, HERES A COMPLIMENT)
laughed at.. "flow" jokes on the way -.-
then then WENT TO EAT
yum yum, promise me my sushi when u grow up right?
btw its sushi tei not sakae, i hate sakae!
yesss then.. iWorship101!!!!!
firstly well, yeah brother poh and his guitar are amazing enough.
then his message, and his humour, and his testimony.
where the smoking boss said "You, you're in, you have the touch"
ohman from those words onwards i was goosebumping the whole way.
it was so revelational, and... relational, you know?
today was like especially made for this circumstance :-)
ahhh God indeed gives us strength to run for 40 days and nights without food or water, just by His might alone!
and that yes, others may be better than us, but we've got the touch, we've got the presence, and that gives us the advantage over any skill or talent.
but then God of course also wants us to develop our talents.
ahh. that really got me thinking... i always give up, you know :O
i rock at perservering and life's tribulations.. but when it comes to learning something new, i suck.. haha.
i guess i always got the mindset that i'm born without talents, and everyone else around me is just naturally good.
till i realised ok 1) God will always give you talents 2) those people worked really hard
so i come to the conclusion that.. i have to start picking up those skills again.
seriously if you look at the things ive given up in.. you'll be completely.. :O
haha. must put in the effort this time, like prayer, it's self motivation, God-motivation!
oh my gosh i learnt so much from today's iworship i wish i could just pick up my guitar and play a song :S
see whats here, spirituality in check but SKILL.. completely off balance ahaha.
and instrument abit rusty too.
I'm going to pray about it this time, pray and pray... and just dare to take that step of faith.
and trust God that in everything i do, i'll have that special touch (:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
woah devil. nice move. too bad. loser. i'm not going down.
and btw, in the name of Jesus, i'm getting it back.
i see you shaking in fear alr.
HAHAHAHA! suddenly i feel so high :)
it's okay. it's all gonna be okay. God says it's gonna be okay.
cos He says He won't let anything i cant take come on me :)
I life my eyes up to the hills
where does my hope come from?
My hope comes from the Lord
creator of Heaven and earth :)
everythings gonna turn out awesome. :-)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm So... Blown away. Impossibilities of mountainous things in front of me. I'm gonna shut this thing down for awhile.
Yet. i've never felt so at peace before. Cos when human strength ends... God moves in. I'm not going to try to make my own light, i'm going to let God's light shine. Block test dates just came out
3rd aug Mon- Humans Bio Lang Arts !!????
4th aug Tues- Phy Higherchi
5th aug Wed- math
6th aug Thurs - Chem
Oh my gosh.
i just wanna hide. i wanna crouch down in that corner and just hide. But God's gonna back me up...
i thought last term was amazing.
guess what, God doesnt stop there.
He's going to help me grow and be moulded and burned so hard this term.
Yup. Okay. Yeah. Haha...
Krys is leaving tmr :( Ah well. im just so glad shannon and wenglin are back with a bunch of amazing stories to tell me. REALLY DANG AMAZING!!!! omg -.-''' im like speechless HAHAH
I'm gonna get through it.
TODAY WAS. INTERESTING.... Went out with anlynn and rui. Herbal chicken at tiong for lunch. Omg sooooo annoying :S then bunny got lost. the toy one. ):
Yeah so we went cine. Saw daniel. Haha. Watched Ghost of girlfriends past.. quite nice :] the food was awesome, super worth it combo today!!! cheese fries + 8 nuggets + 2 drinks + popcorn = 11.80, WOO :D
went to starbucks and we interrogated rui, heehee my favourite part so fun.
Trusting in God with all my heart.
Monday, June 15, 2009
HELLO!(: Heee heeee okay today not so bad. Did like 5 hours of solo project work and finished half a IH assignment :-D Crap i just stuck my ichiban sushi sticker on the assignment.. o well :P
HAHA YES AND TODAY I GUNBOUNDED after so so sooooooo long:-D
and and AND i went bpp and i bought food and ice kachang and i saw val (:o!) and bought sushi at 30% discount and the yummy jap gummies and now i need to poop then qt so BYE
Sunday, June 14, 2009
When you make a vow to God,
do not delay to pay it;
For He has no pleasure in fools.
Pay what you have vowed-
Better not to vow
than to vow and not pay.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
Amen. Thank for the reminder God :)
HAPPPPPPPY QT! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Haha. i realised the only time i am ever HAPPY is really after qt. REVELATION AFTA REVELATION, TOUCH AFTA TOUCH!:D
I love Job. It's such an amazing book. And it was so applicable to my feelings today and to my previous blog post. Still willing to give it all after everything has been taken from you? What about even the health... and i was like wow. Yes. Amen.
So i started by telling God at the start that God... take it all from me... so i just gave Him everything i had at the start but i told Him, God, You give and take away, so take it all away now, and keep what You want to keep, but at the end, give back what You want to give back... And it was so amazing :-) felt as if during cg ministry time like that woohaaa! Haha.
And then. After everything. I threw away some stuff i never thought i would or could. But i told God i'd give my all... so here's my all God :)
Use me!
I slept at.... 7.40 and woke up at 9.20... Nah dont go all thinking i'm so hardworking, i slept at 7.40pm and woke up at 9.20 am :D Haha okay it was initially meant to be a nap, but yeah okay i never woke up so... -.-
Okay so again i had weird dreams about sadistic people capturing children for labour. rather ... dark i would say. Yup and also mountain biking with rita, LOL. I donno why. haha.
Okay... Time to go pray cos after sleeping so long feel so naturally screwed up. Hopefully its just pms :D And i just spilt milo over my bed and tuna over my keypad. Argh. Bu ting lao ren yan chi kui zai yan qian.
Lead me.. :( because i dont care anymore.
i dont care about anything i have anymore.
take, take it all if You have to.
all i wanna do is to do what You want me to.
Okay typing that is one thing...
shall go say that to Jesus later...
crucify my flesh (:
Remember to download Song of Solomon BS notes!
Yoido full gospel church youth service (:
from paulines blog!!
HEHE so cool.
must go thr one day.
its cheering me up :)
trying to sing along...
but so far i only managed to follow ...
"take take take it all (cos they sang it in english-.-)"
which sounds like
korean i fail:D
and they sang church on fire!
man it must be awesome when sooo many ppl sing it :]
the youths there are amazing...
when the whole church shouted i was like
WOAAAAAAAAAA . so overwhelmed.
and my whole gum is swelling
ate too many chicken seaweed...
Hey. :) Today was cool, Celebrity weekend! Woke up at 7+. Lol, okay brose wake up called me at 6, and yes i DID WAKE UP, it just so happened i decided to go back to sleep. Yawn. Newtoned to church... Jessie... lousy... cant believe i reached earlier than her HAHA
Yea so some really nice indo band performed, then fir, ocean, milk, (HAHA its so funny typing that), liugenghong, various beauty queens, bbg people, and -wait let jade scream-, VANNESS WU! Haha. Ya la quite hot la lol. But my fave of all, miss indonesia (: shes so inspiring! haha.
after service, went down to bedok for lunch. waited for 1 hour plus for food cant believe it -.- and it sucked... t3 one tastes 200 times better and its cheaper. i'm broke.... for now! yeah was gg shopping with eve but we decided to go home to study. haha.
bused back with brose greg, we slept the entire way haha.
Yeah okay. I'm not feeling too good today, maybe i'm just tired. Two weeks to battle through ahead. God, help me.
Very annoyed today.... Need to go on a weekday holiday. (never missin church!)
Deeper in love with You...
Ah. i shall just go sleep pray study.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Was reading Ecclesiastes 3 just now... Ahh :) its so nice!!!! I'm so glad i went to reread it again when i finished praying cos i think my brain unknowingly skipped everything cos when i read it at the start i was like half dead :D
(ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
Everything Has Its Time
1 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
10 I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
And... AHH!!
v14 I know that whatever God does,
It shall be forever.
Nothing can be added to it,
And nothing taken from it.
God does it, that men should
fear before Him.
Still i believe there is more
I believe there is more
I believe,
And i open my hands to receive
all that Your love has in store....
Still i believe
Exceedingly, abundantly, more than our hearts imagine
Love overflowing, You are bestowing
day after day after day.
God... Let me know the width, the length, the height and the depth of Your love..
Feel the organised me coming back again. Thank God for flammogen :DINCREASE CAPACITY NOW!
Godly Sorrow.
Flesh dies.
In love with memorising verses :)
P.S Thanks Jo for the card, i love inspirational stuff i can put in my wallet :D
:S YEAHHH okay firstly ytd was fun!!
met yx on the bus , she was freaking out she was late and we ended up to be on the same bus. omg haha.
and she bought me such nice stuff from harrods ^^
THANK YOU SO MUCH! ahhh luv ya :DDD
went to obrians cafe and just drank apple juice haha
4.90 apple juice. with carbon dioxide. sheesh. lol
and then rui came, AND HE FINISHED THE DRINK
BLOODY!!! hahaha
decided not to playmax in th end just went to library and studied
yeup then we went to eat chickie rice for dinner at chin chin's (haha)
and we saw a pastor on the way:D
sos bs was, STUNNING. :O yup revelational. just couldnt wait to get home to pray. yeahhh then reached home 12.30am, FIRST TIME EVA!! epic!:D haha
and then we just discussed discussed till like 3.40 am loll and then i went to do my qt and slept at 530
woke up 11+ and ate slacked, did abit of physics
and reached west coast at 2+, played with 417 ppl at pyramid, FUN!
Haha, was praying that it wouldnt rain cos crystal sms me in morning said it would be raining all day accordin to weather forecast
but God doesnt follow the weather forecast Amen!?!?!??!
:D haha yah happy!
had a gr8 time even though things were rushed and i injured my butt. DONT EVEN ASK. -.- idiot. Haha kk, nows the retention time, the HARVEST IS HERE!:)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Not that wasted la, finished 100 pages of chinese...
since thr was chem sia, TMR REAL HOMEWORKING COMES IN :S
PLAYMAX with yx ^^
hopefully can bump into esther/jing/suss/cherie/shan and all those nanyang pm-ers :D and
then study with yx and rui !!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
:D Slept at 3+, woke up 12.30, WOO!. could have slept so much longer. Till shufang called and said we're doing chem sia today :S sigh. another day gone. and i had to cancel tuition. gimme my 50 bucks.
NAH im happy and fine, as you can see from my .. more detailed blogging :) Mum's home today... Gonna hide in my room :O
"Obey Me and know that it'll be okay, not just okay, but awesome."
AWESOME QT!! Okay i guess even though during alll the pms and meetings today, i wasnt feeling anything, i was just feeling exhausted, breathless, and headachy, but yup i guess i just needed that quiet place for God to speak to me, but i really had to build up my Spirit with all the pms before that - GS lesson 6, you sow spiritual seeds into your Spirit when you pray, whether you feel the presence or not.
Yup so... i love this awesome verse for today! i memorised it in like 30 seconds :D Haha. I guess if its a verse you like, its like immediately imprinted in your memory.
Krys first shared it during, pm, wow that was impactful... but i didnt really like remember it... but i guess God wanted me to remember it so much that He showed it to me a second time today, in the "One year mini daily devotions" lynn and qi gave to me, thanks you too!!!!
1 Sam 15:22
So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerngs and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
I don't know why my mind is so stubborn that sometimes i have to be reminded again and again and again till i will let that verse be sunk into my veins. Haha, but thats okay, God's not so much worried about having to fill a vessel, He's more worried about having a vessel to fill Amen?
Yup so this verse was so WOW
I've always been fasting alot. I fast. alot. End of story. Kk not that much la, but as compared, alot. Haha. and i wanted to take a break this june hols to give my stomach a break :S but after one week of only fasting one time i think my spirit couldnt take it anymore. So i decided to fast more more more this week.
But, i was still feeling so down. So down. The defeat in me was... no it wasnt there. I wasnt defeated, some part of me somehow knew that it was gonna be okay, but i just didn't know how. The mountain of work piled up is tremendous. So i decided to show sacrifice... and pray that God would bless me back when i did. Not that saying that its wrong, God was extremely happy that i fasted, i'm sure of that.
But what God wanted more was the obedience. "Obey." He says.
what does that mean?
Obey Me in knowing that I'll make sure ydff is a success.
Obey Me in knowing that I'll make sure that your results will help you to be that light.
Obey Me in knowing that I'll make sure all your SIAS will be so awesome.
Obey Me in knowing that I'll make sure you finish all your assignments to the utmost quality.
Obey Me in... not being afraid.
Yup. So now.. even though theres still that same tough amount of work. But i'm not going to fret anymore. Cos guess what, i'm gonna obey God.
"Be not afraid"
"Do not be anxious for tomorrow"
I'll be that hardworking dude that plows hard during winter, and when i beg during the harvest, WOOOOOO it will flow in .. OVERFLOWINGLY!
Wa. Seriously.
The only one you'll ever need is God.
Like this entire week twice i called krys but she had some really other burdening issues
and i felt so sad, not cos she nv call la but cos in the past trial i felt at least i had God and krys...
But then. Down to here. I realised, it's just God
It's just God.
All you need is God.
Sharing a problem with a friend is healthy..
But really, God is all you need.
Heehee when a leader noes ur in serious need she'll make sure she answers, but when you'll make it through or she knows God somehow has a purpose, i guess even unknowingly she will also do e right thing :S
friends r still impt though ^^ thanks dear classmates for praying for ydff and the few ppl that have been cheering me on!
ps. Mum's back. ^^
Obedience is better than sacrifice.
gotta keep that running thru my memory :)
God's doing this all for a reason ma,
(wa really all girls LOL)
tell me if i misse dout anythin..
RGS!!! !! !!
SUDDENLY. just got that fire to want to pray and pray and pray. Nothing great can be done without prayer. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Becos God works in ways that are impossible to believe, cos He's a God of possibilities!
Cg pm, Church pm, Howling at West coast, Leaders meeting
that basically summed up today.
tomorrow, i've gotta start working again.
I've gotta i gotta. God please help me.
I don't know what to do. Fast and pray, and put in my effort. Passion for the lost. Seek a vision!
To whom will i go? there's no one else but You alone...
Jesus... Jesus...
In uncommon times when an uncommon girl living in a common world seeks after an uncommon God who makes miracles.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Help me :( to not just survive. to be so alive, smiling on the inside.
Prayer changes things. Pm, here i come, with a heart of expectation. Praise You in this storm.
I'm so ....... It seems funny how unproductive it is. 5 days and only 40 done at max. what happened to the rest?
......... I had a funny dream last night. I dreamt that i had an arranged marriage with some weird tall china guy , i cried and cried and cried and i woke up crying... it was dam weird
Monday, June 08, 2009
Tomorrow's the last day. Please let everything be done God.
I'm feeling so lost i don't know what to say.
I don't know what to do... I don't know what to do
all i can do is trust in You.
on the bright side... the brightest side!
crystal can come on saturday :)
those souls out there that God loves so, are really the motivating factor.
Gonna do my qt now.
Gonna believe that things are going to change after qt.
in small ways, in big ways, well... God, that's up to You!
You, only You......
Lead me through
awesomeawesome AWESOME pm :D :D
whole hall knelt down.. it was BAAMBAMMPOWAAAA
haha! hannahs at my house now. its gonna be a long night. (:
Sunday, June 07, 2009
I know this is random to say but
"2. i think it’s embearassing to go to heaven and present an empty white sheet showing i won no lost for him at all despite my many years as a christian."
yeah. this is on paulines members blog. (no not stalking her, just think shes such an inspiration)
she's suffering from bloody brain cancer!
and she can still think about the souls out there....
Wa... be ashamed of yourselves.
Ha you know i'm so sick of all this.
but it's not really bothering me too much today
awesome qt's conquer the devil, so dont try to get to me!
I needta/wanta/haveta sleep.
And waoooo so many revelations, proverbs is simply WOAH
like like!!!
But anyway there's one verse i really like, in the past when people when through difficult situations, i always told them they had to pray, but obviously it was such a general advice even though it really IS the only thing one needs to do. and fast of course.
Haha but the verse is really :D
(i could have use it in my offering msg!)
(applies to sos bs last fri too!)
"The lazy man will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing."
Proverbs 20:4
AHA ok i know very simple, but i've been searching for something like this very long because i'm kinda at a lost of words and asking people to pray during the storms.
But yup, winter, like pastor tan said, is the dark cold, unfruitful, painful, times when we just feel like hiding indoors. But if you want to be the lazy man, and not bother about putting in that one hundred percent effort to plow the field (which is backbreakingly hard) and PRAY PRAY PRAY FAST FAST FAST SERVE SERVE SERVE , then DON'T EXPECT anything to come. when seeing others experience so much breakthroughs, don't fill miserable and start... i dunno depression or something, becos guess what, here's what the Bible says. No effort during storm = No fruitfulness after storm ends :)
n of course theres the 5 other awesome verses
which i just copied down and about another 10 others which leaves my Bible looking colorful
but thats more for individual people,
toodles, remember, krys told me once.
don't just praise, don't just worship, PRAY!
that's the most important part.
praise gets the devil down like BAM, quickly, but guess what, that's only temporary.
You gotta enter into God's presence through worship,
and then permanently DESTROY the devil through prayer!
And of course read your Bible :D
it's the best book (that would already be demeaning it) you could ever have! :)
Hello ! Haven't blogged, been busy.
Yeah well i'll just start today cos i can't really be bothered to go through the past few days.
Woke up at 6, yup rita and brose slept over at my house.
left house about 6.50, newton-ing is so fast!
then we took bus from tanah merah, and jaywalked again, so fun ^^
Yupp doors opened REALLY early AHHA it was quite hilarious,
prayer meetin from 8.30 - 9.30, prayed prayed prayed... it was great!
then went to buy egg croissant, DAM NICE MAN OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mmm then service was really quite awesome :-)
the situation didn't really apply to me so much cos technically i havent really been betrayed in too great such a way that its impossible to forgive, more often than not its just friendship betrayals which... isn't that hard to forgive.
but yeah i know that today's message gave a whole new perspective to those who've gone through huge betrayals, and i'm so thankful to God for that.
God is just.
Yeah after service 60 secs of fame at roland :D
yum! k la food not bad, performances quite cool samuel dam zai....
lol then went to suntec with mindy shannon rui and we coffee-beaned, carrot cake!!
HAHA :D just talked and let my phone get destroyed till about 5 plus then mindy and shannon went to watch movie and rui and i went home.
HAHA. 'went home' took REALLY LONG cos i cannot explain how bloody far we were for the mrt we were just walking.. and walking.. and walking and walking until we died halfway and we just sat down on the bench and read our Bibles. HAHAHAHA
i'm serious -.- Yup bused home.
Okay. it's a new week. :)
not gonna let stuff get me down. i must just pray and perservere, cos the harder the devil comes on, the more he's scared of me, loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm gonna see that revival come.
i think people are silly to be sad about sacrificing for God.
but i think they're even sillier when they sacrifice and they feel so sad about it.
i was going through hell, but seriously, i felt like the happiest girl on earth :)
and many people out there just need to learn that.
God loves a cheerful giver... doesn't just apply to offering messages yeah?
Ih sia meeting tmr morning and tues. 9 am.
but weekend pm :D :D :D YAY
and then i realised...
God was fighting for me all this while.
still one of my fave verses, joshua 23:10-11.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
God will make a way... when there seems to be no way.
i know i've been saying that alot, but thats all i can say when all there seems to be is a no way.
He will make a way...
He will make a way
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Asss... i'm so dam stressed that i'm not going to bother to be stressed anymore!
and i escape from it by playing... GUNBOUND. epic. finished qt about 2.40am, omg God rocks thought i was gonna be too tired cos i slept like 6 hours the day b4 so yay ^^ then after that went online, was planning to sleep but somehow ended up bombing ppl in gunbound with Brose rita and jolyn.
Heh, for the record we actually won ^^ cos... well.. jolyn couldnt move or attack. So i used her as a defence shelter HAHA!!! Kk went off at like 3.40. but some pig asked me to go play again :S so i went back to play and i trashed myself... stopped playin 4.40 fell asleep at 5am. -.- haha was supposed to wake up at 7.30 but suss overslept so i could oversleep too :D
she just left my house, this is so unproductive.
and no it's not the gaming thats causing this stress. and i'm not running away from everything. i try my best to face it and it breaks me everytime. But of course not crushed (: everythings been so unproductive. we have like 200 mored boards to make? and so far 5 people have been at my house besides the earlier forecast of 20. i haven't started on any projects because its time wasting OR homework. weekends packed with housing people and then 60 sec of fame. so stop giving excuses. Haha. oh well. what can i say. responbility that must be held.
i feel like slapping people right now. (no one in particular) just feel that violent catfight mode... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Love the people Julie!!!! Use God's eyes to look at everyone. You're different. You're gonna be an amazing person.
help me to face it :( help me :(
i which i could this burdenless all the time.
And once again i returned to don moen. God will make a way.
This singers really good, all her songs (:
It's during these times... where the only name, word, person, that can give me peace is Jesus.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM !o man suckaaa cant believe ive known u for 2 years alr, u've grown from gay to GAYER, HAHAHAHA, more carebears??:D
today was... quite fun la!!
Hahaha, woke up at 9, ate, went for tuition, was 20 min late, then left one hour early, lolll
-.- yupp went home and jing and peizhen were there so we started on ydff stuff
watched Houseee :D
ambrose came at like 3+ HAHAHA
yeahhh then we did stuff till5, jing peizhen left
brose and i just watched house waiting for rita to come.
watched more house, went to bpp ate long johns for dinner :D
we treated her --.- ZZ
but dinner was soooo good!
yay ok they're comin to my house tmr again,
i need discipline.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
HIIIIIIIII !! ^^ just finished my qt haha okay yeah yeah feel better.
Mmms yup okay so today was quite good.
ERRRRR woke up 10, but woke up like one hundred times before that urgh.
yeah then sf and qiu came at 12+ and we spent the like 3 hours making the stuffs
and we just ended up watching House in the end HAHA its hilarious.
Yesss k left house at 5 went to meet rui for like 10 min to discuss event -.-
which was quite pointless cos half the time was spent looking at cheese and buying onigiri and quiche which rui pronounces as "kee-shee" wth.-.-
ate so much ok wanted to puke alr
then went down to ikea to meet rita to.. EAT AGAIN :S
meatballs! and lime jelly... wah super nice man
hahahaha . after that we chatted abit, went to take funny fotos and play with the hanging chairs and seasaws
then we bused to tiong plaza to meet rui again -.-
failure discussion, NOT MY FAULT HAHA
after that we walked to the playground below ruis house and we exercised (right...)
ahahaha ok, GUNBOUND!! Yeahh!!! told ya ritagoh! tmr tmr!:D
Not gonna be stressed ALR!!
i rmb pastor prince in my ipod one time right before exam
' don't be stressed, cos e Bible says do not be worried abt tmr, for my grace is enough for You TODAY'
yeah, guess what God's grace is only enough for us TODAY, not tomorrow
if i worry abt tmr, then God's grace won't be sufficient.
then went tomorrow comes, it becomes today, and God's grace is sufficient for me again."
Ahhh i love that vid (:
listening to the audio diary now, HAHAHAHA
and ambrose!!
I'm so stressed out on the inside.
I don't even know where to start.
God'll make a way.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Jesus, You are my best friend
And You will always be
And nothing will ever change that
Jesus, You are my best friend
And You will always be,
And nothing will ever change that.
Nothing will ever change that...
Nothing will ever change that...
Nothing will ever change that...
Nothing will ever change that.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO^^ another awesome QT Haha. Aye is overcome all obstacles ok! omg i cannot express how much i didnt feel like praying before praying. I was literally crying tears of frustration because i just didn't want to pray. Ahhh... but this time e word of God saved me... thank God :) and after that my qt miraculously became epicer and epicer wooooo!!
HAPPY HAPPY! Haha. YAY and and and andddd ^^ my mums leaving tmr... awww. and IM EXCITED! NEEDTA GET MORE TUITION! !! !! Haha mao collaboration tuition power! Ok... the 3 of us seem to b the few good losers that r mugging so hard :P HAHAH eh well.
Monday, June 01, 2009
BOUGHT 8 DAY! Haha, church ppl say that sun's album is the first chinese album they've got. Well this is the first magazine i've ever bought in my life -_- I didn't plan to buy it initially cos i didnt know whr, but after i went to popular and i saw sun on the cover i was just like OMGOMGOMGOMG ITS SUN IM SO PROUD OF HER SHES AMAZING and i just chucked it into my shoping basket ^^
SUN IS AMAZING! I'm gg to publicize her man her dream is really to penetrate Singapore, I LUV YOU I LOVEEEE YOU!!
Haha other than that i spent like 150 bucks at popular and my mum got quite pissed off :S
Bad night sleep. Kept on waking up! Sian. Okay.
God help me to get started on my work :(
then again.
I'd rather be rushing my work at the end with God by my side rather than doing my work relaxingly without Godly inspiration. Ahhh. i feel so.. :(
i need to hear from the Holy Spirit... help me to hear Your voice =o Please please please.. please please please... :(
sigh, go bpp later buy stuff i will need, SPLURGEEEE AT POPULAAAAAR! :D
"XX, it feels so much better penning my feelings down. It’s hard to say what I want to say to you. Well, I don’t know how to put this. But I kind of like you, I know I am not supposed to. But it just came naturally; I even thought I was out of my mind. But I wasn’t. I have fallen for you. But I do not wish that my feelings for you destroy our friendship. And so, I have decided that I will never ever going to chat with you ever again. It will just cause my feelings for you to deepen even further. Please on my part, do not show this to xx, it will just make me have no face to meet her in xx. I hope that you will develop feelings for -insert other guys name-."
HAHAHAHAHAHHA OMG AS U CAN SEE! firstly, of course i did not write that, it would make me a lesbian. BUT SECONDLY. CAN U IMAGINE HOW FUNNY IT IS!! WAT KIND OF ... would write that!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHA.. kiddin :S
OKAY watever instead of going out i'm going to stay home and complete my bio sia tmr T.T
Wat the crap project is that la
"A4 size advertisement to promote stem cell technology over coronary heart bypass and anglioplasty for the treatment of blood diseases"
AND "report with annotated literature reviews to compare and contrast stem cell technology, coronary heart bypass and anglioplasty"
"You must take the role of a team leader at a advertisement agency. "
" You must come up with the drafts of your advertisement to show how your search has helped you to evaluate information and then synthesize your information to come up with your final advertisement"
"A4 size 3D model showing different types of lap band surgery"
"report with annotated literature review to compare and contrast the different type of lap band surgery"
And you thought your projects were (....)
firstly, i do not have any idea what any of the projects are talking about.
except, well, ones about the heart, the others about the stomach.
then its physics sia, which we have to do a 3 minute video presentation of a physics principle.
wed, thur, fri - YDFF preparation
next mon tues - YDFF preparation
After that... the rest of the projects :(
I need to mug.
Im gg to pray. then ill start mugging.
stop complaining.
I Miss Mao. :(
i havent talked to you in eons!!!
jiayou jiayou jiayou !!!!!!!!!
MEMES GONE. it's 10.42 it's funny to think i took 10 minutes earlier to reach home than she took to reach bangkok -.- stupid traffic jam.
Yeahhh left house abt 4+ after doing english compre and reading chinese books for 4 hours, quite accomplished la haha. Ya then met rita, sorry, Krita, at kallang and we mrted down to changi. t1, rita, the .. I _ _ _ t HAHAHAA!!! Oh man so funny. Yup met meme and she treated me to popeyes yummy thanks mwemwe and then we talked crap and went to eat cakes and RITAzza. and i treated meme to fruit something. wtpong most expensive bunch of fruits 5.50 for one cup -_- Haha. rita ate, AGAIN. YES. after that prayed for meme and maai and we left, maai's friends r so shuai and chio! and the guy give her going away present for one month, LMAO i was like :O haha. they went high on crazy farting device and t1 LOLLL
omg!!! it was so funny. happy early bday meme ):):
Yeah then went tampines with rita. we were gg to go eat ikea.. but that smartass totally fooled me and i thought she knew whr it was but she didnt. so we just shopped around abit bought a new shirt from topshop yay :) haha then mrted back and bought more cadbury twirl and nerds, havent bought sweets in tooooooooooooooooo long!! High high high! OK
I WANNA WATCH MOVIES! transformers with gang, HAHA funny times in 2007 time to relive popcorn throwing memories ^^ and its awesome matts bday on sat, smiley smiley to you :)
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