HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Okay. school was pretty awesome. Don't ask me what got into me last night, devil playing with my emotions. All the way till i reached school. Mrs Shirlyn Tieh.... Grr... I'm very sorry i filled the form in red but dun need so fierce ma :( say nicely i will also apologise. Haii FORGIVE FORGIVE! And because i was quite off balance i was like nearly tearing after that -.- Gosh, thank You God :)
But things became lots happier after i reached class, went for pm :) And then... then... all the crazy h1n1 rules started coming HAHA. but the awesum things 1) NO FLAGRAISING 2) NO CCA 3) SCHOOL DISMISSAL 1.15 on wed n thurs, WOOHOO. Yeah math first lesson was completely T.T Yeah i was half dead haha then physics, not that bad just gg thru stuff, and omg i got 7/10 for my quiz, 3rd one i passed this year, PTL!! must continue improving:) although i failed e ws.. zzz... need physics tuition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mum & dad dunwan. Haha then LA, fun ness! lunch, printing out stuff and work. After that chinese, go thru compre, OMGGG 2nd time i got above 35 HAHAHA YAYY YAYY PTL!!!!!!! then cct went thru h1n1 briefing hahaha
after tat cherie n denise so kindly followed me and then i went home. today needta start mugging and memorising chi speech!! JIAYOU JULIE. SHINE GOD'S LIGHT!
these few days... I really finally feel... Like... i'm .. WHOLE! not in the emotional sense, in the sense i have everything i need. Awesome God... Awesome Jesus... Awesome Holy Spirit... My awesome family who r just so generous and nice, mum and dad spending so much money on me without hesitation last week and jiejie buying all that cheese(HAHAHA BROSE) and amazingly good tasting sauces back from melbourne. MMM. My awesome leader, miss krystle liew. amazing. shes amazing AMAAAZING :D and my awesome connect group... I love them i love them to bits. and my awesome best friends... the four of them... they make my life.. :-) 304 & w445, amazing groups of people God has blessed me with that can cheer me up just by being around them..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH