i bet y'all are surprised :O
Heehee well. Haven't been doing too well these too days. And today i finally got my ass up and really asked God what was next. And actually i was planning to stop blogging at the end of j1, or perhaps at the end of sec 4, but no.... God spoke to me. Today is the day :)
Well what can i say, should i organise a tribute or something. Honestly, i am quite sad lei. This blog has been with me since p5, it has motivated me when i am down, made me laugh at my own younger stupidity, and of course it has caused me to rant alot in the past. But yeah today when i leave this blog , it's gonna be left behind with a bunch of beautiful memories that i've experienced from my p5 life all the way till now - my sec 3 life. i'm still quite sad i was so happy in p6 that i didnt even have time to blog and now i cant remember too much, but yeah it's okay.
so this'll just be a space filled with my thoughts, opinions, feelings, emotions, joys, hurts, annoyances, anger, daily life for the past 4-5 years. Wa. didn't realise it was so long already. And nope, not planning to open a blog again :) It's time to move on.
Maybe my kid will see this one day. I hope blogger never closes down. Till then, byebye crayzee-fazzie-angel..... what a weirdly embarrassing name i used for like so many years. i'll miss you, honestly. but now it's time to focus on new stuff, explore new stuff and...
It's time to take on the world :)