It's time for a new beginning (:

history maker, here i come.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

So many questions. So many doubts. And i guess some people out in the world just dont know what their missing out on, thinking they know so much, being so religious and not looking at the heart of God, at what God speaks to them.

Its so sad some people just base their lives on religious ways rather than listening to what the heart of God has to say. It so sad some people only know how to read the words from the Bible, but not even know when God is speaking to them. Its so sad how some people think that their ways are right, but they simply have no testimony to show it. Its so sad some people never ever get to experience the manifest form of God, and never learn how to do even the smallest things through the Holy Spirit. Its so sad some people can't even find the Holy Spirit every week and be touched by it to tears.

And by religious ways i dont mean religious pharisees. I just mean looking only at the surface of what the word has to say, thinking and interpreting through your own means. Tell me something new when the logos word becomes a rhema.

God, is a God of emotions. God is a God of manifestation. Ever trembled under the power of the Holy Spirit? Ever flew back when the power of God just slammed down on you? Ever FELT the demons being delivered out of you to realise what a warrior God is? Ever prayed for someone who was smiling and happy till the Holy spirit touched them to tears?

Love the word of God, analyse the word of God, read the word of God, study the word of God. You can think you understand and analyse everything with the word of God, but if its using your own mind, your own heard, your own analysis skills, it'll never work. Till you learn to read the word of God using God's eyes and reading it flowing through the heart of God, then perhaps the religious ways would be less and more love would come out of it, and people would actually believe.

I thank God that He placed me in a church with so much opposition, so much persecution. I love it. Haha guess what pplz if you're in a church and it hasnt even been persecuted before, you're not in the total heart of God. You may be in the will of God, but not the heart of Him. Stop being so religious, stop being such cowards, stop being so full of doubts, stop judging based upon a few people, stop trying to convince me with logos, but convince me with rhema. Show me the huge revival, and perhaps then people can tell me i'm wrong. But till then, guess what city harvest is just going to grow bigger, and bigger, not in quantity but in quality, to please the heart of Jesus! :)

Stop trying to please men, start trying to please God.

And that, was a blog post which the Holy Spirit flowed through me. How do i know? Faith. I guess anyone out there can say "faith". But to me faith isnt a logos, its a rhema, its a power from God, it has substance. How many people out there actually understand faith? And no not the meaning of it, anyone knows the meaning of it hebrews 11:1, but how many of you can know its in you. :)

ps. this post is not directed specifically at anyone, just a general mindset i learnt from talking to many people.

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