It's time for a new beginning (:

history maker, here i come.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Praise God. Praise God. Till just now, i was still wondering why i fasted 5 days this week. Yeah i didn't get my 80% for overall. Then what was it for? Then... Meme answered my question (: Friday they had their Lesson 8 of BS , which is technically the Lord's Prayer.. and i was just praying yet doubting beforehand whether i could deliver a message good enough to get the two of em to pray for one hour. well, PTL they did it :P
But that wasnt all. i was kinda just telling them that for a 'breakthrough' sorta thing. that after that their qt could be continued with normal timings. but yeah when i smsed them to remind them again today... meme just replied ' Oh i thought we had to do 1 hour everyday so i just prayed for 55 min '
WA BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM HALLELUJAH!! Haha... It's so amazing to me. not in the sense that i havent achieved it myself. but in the sense that seeing their faith so young but yet so... concrete. What a solid foundation.
Thanks meme, i love you (: Honestly i just had a... not too good quiet time. Things felt messed up. I was so disappointed. But yeah then it comes to the realisation that what krys said today and what pastor k said ytd is so applicable. People always let you down. Those who you lead, those who lead you, those who are so close to you, those who dont really know you at all - They will all stumble you one day. But God... never lets down. my members, my inspiration, my encouragement. Krys is too tired tonight, that i know, so i was just like ah heck lets just get through with it. But God always uses those few special people to touch our lives in such a special way.
It makes everything.. worth it (:
don't go mangoes meme i'll miss you like crazy :(
and then shannon and wenglin are gone too.
Sighhhhhhhhhh ill miss em like crazy :(
nvm, now its time to focus on my sc girls!
God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres.
I'll do the same.

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