OK so i'e only done the dynasties for JAP!! JIAYOU JULIE (:
Edo Period (1603-1868, The further development of a unique japanese culture)
Mainly because of an increasing threat of Christinianity, Japan progressively closed its doors to the western world. No foreigner or citizen was allowed to enter or leave the country. The Shogun wanted japan to remain free from western influence. Despite isolation, domestic and agricultureal production continued to imrove. Popular culture also flourished during this period, new art forms kabuki and ukiyo-e also became popular. In 1720, the banning of western literature was cancelled, and several new teachings entered from china and europe. (dutch learning) New nationalistic schools which combined shinto and confucianism teachings were also developed.
Meiji Restoration (restoring of the Meiji Emperor, modernization and establishing shinto as a state religion)
1858- Commodore perry forced the government to allow trade. it is important to note that he was not forcing the merchants to trade, but he was forcing the Shogun to stop preventing trade. The shogun lost face as a result of his inability to enforce his will and there arose sentiment to depose of the shogun. The fastest way to do this would be to call for the restoration of the Meiji Emperor. The Meiji Emperor was restored to a place of prominence, but the leaders of the rebellion ruled in the name of the emperor.
The leaders sought economic development as a concomitant for strengthening Japan, but circumstances allowed them very little policy choice. Their first problem to be solved would be financing the national government budget. In 1871, the national government in tokyo assumed the debts of the domains which accepted its rule. The national government also assumed responsibility for the stipends paid to the samurai. The samurai class also loss its source of livelihood in the land reforms and the creation of the conscription army of commoners. Even though the revolution was the restoration of the Meiji Emperor, what it was more was actually the overthrow of the 700 year rule of the samurai class.
During the Meiji Period, shinto became the state religion. Shinto priests became state officials and important shrines were funded by the government. Japan's creation myths were fostered to form an emperor cult, and efforts were made to separate Shinto from buddhism. Shinto, like the political and economical transformations in japan, were essentially nationalistic in nature.
Showa period (rise of nationalism)
Showa period saw the longest reign of all japanese emperors. In the showa period, japan descended into a state of political totalitarism due to a momentary collapse in capitalism as well as the rising threat of communism lead to ultra-nationalism. The showa period believed that the ABCD powers were a threat to all asian nations and that asia could only survive if it followed japan as an example. Japan saw itself as the leader of asian nations because it had been the only asian country to succesly industrialize itself and rival great western empires. tobe independent from all western powers, japan decided to look to asia for new markets, resources and most imptly, a place to expand its empire. Japans military expansion in the east was the pacific war.
1937- war with china for the second time
1941- launched the invasion of far east asia by attacking the united states at pearl harbour, thus sparking the beginning of the world wide conflice (WW2)
1945- Japan suffered the only two atomic bomb attacks in history.
OK... actually i dn even noe if this stuff is useful.. but by faith it will be needed :)
tonnes more to memorise, but i've God a great God with a memory that extends back and forwards forever and ever, and guess what, He lives in me :)