tomorrow is friday, my long awaited day has finally arrived!(:
today was ok la. haha. math quiz again was -________-
okay so today first attempt i flunked (srsly), but then i realised got 2nd attempt and all my mind-blocked mistakes i managed to change. That gave me a full marks :D But then mrs tan say only first one counted HAHAHA.
i believe i believe i believe that this is God telling me to be even more specific:)
"God, i hope to get full marks for my quizzes when they are counted in the CA and on the first attempt" Haha. Aiya, it was too hilarious alr la i had nothing to be sad abt :P
LA was omg falling asleep. The lesson was quite interesting, but i was so tired. Recess Discussed LA, Then humans, ms adriana wong is so funny. She was teaching us abt lians and bengs and kengs and huays? AHAHAHA omg it was HILARIOUS!! Shes such an awesome teacher :) Chinese = write compo. ZZ. Lunch was playing badminton match with yuehan, AHHAHAHAHA i won!!!!! LOL!!! is ok yuehan, we both suck at badminton together hahaha today was pure luck n grace frm God:) Continued doing compo after the match which lasted 5 min. (You can imagine our standard now.)
Compocompo all the way till chem. Chem was like fun. good. i learn alot and i dont feel like falling asleep, or maybe im just too scared to. haha. Then dismissed. continued writing compo -________-
finished 2.30, went ccm training with cherie chermain and joy. HEEE they r so funny man!! especially cherie :) she is the "AI GUO BU ZHANG" LOL!!!! xiao ai ren~~ and joy!! xiao-er ai-er ren hahaha. kidding la. :P
ccm training was so boring. lol it was ok la. free refreshments.. heh? :P after that waited with chermain for her to finish her compo and then headed home while she went to hwachong for councillors meeting. Omg. their meetings end like 10+ 11pm ITS LIKE WUTTTT. councillors r amazing. and the rest of us still complain. haha.
Yahhh so its friday tmr im so happi :) Haha. My phone bill came in and it was like LOLLL!!!!
Outgoing = 217 minutes. (actually mum was only angry abt this)
sms = 2800?! HAHA ok i did alot of mass sms-ing this month so explanable.
Incoming = 891 MINUTES!! LOL!!!!
Funny la. Haha.
K:) i shall end with another poem! im not those cool lit people who can write their own poems, but i've found alot of poems which hav really touched my heart so let me just list them down bit my bit:)
A vessel tarnished, broken, useless,
thrown on the trash heap one night.
And was found by the Master Potter,
Searching through the 'rejects of life.'
When He found this dirty
old vessel,
He looked at it closely, and saw
It contained an inherent
In spite of it's obvious flaw.
He carried it back to His
His trained eye could already see,
An object of beauty and
That it was intended to be.
He repaired and cleaned the old
Polished to it's natural shine
Became once more a thing of
Was truly, 'one of a kind.'
My life was that broken old
Battered, ruined, thrown away.
I lay there, no hope of recovery,
Till the Master found me that day.
He loved me, He cleansed me,
redeemed me;
Adopted me as His own.
Gave to my life a brand new meaning,
Brought peace, where once there was none
by Gertrude