Hello. Ohman sian its like 12am now and i'm discussing chinese proposal (which might actually get quite interesting as well as doing math, of which i do not know how to do ANY QUESTION at all. Siannn. I'm tryying trryying....
Omg Pastor Zhuang is soo cute and every single thing He preached abt last night applied so much into my life that i couldn't help but be touched by the power of God :)
The opening was really fun and funky, played the Emerge version of the "class bomb" thing, omg it was sooo FUN and retarded man!! HAHAHAHA everyone was like HIGHH and then praise was so cool cos we had floor seats.. where they removed the seats so we were like jumpjumpjump in a wholeee crowd!:D then Annabel CAME! and led worship (: then she asked the whole hall of people to join hands and JUMP TOGETHER FOR GOD!! HAHA THAT FELT SOOOO FAN-TAS-TICCC!
School i/cs got called out to the front n got slained:) oh man i feel so lucky that was really God's night for me and i could feel the Holy Spirit flood into my heart from that touch of God :D YEAHH so krys sent home, hilarious ride where she ruined my rep by telling the " my mom does not drive" story. zzz. i thought that was buried foreverrr hahaha.
Slept at 1 and woke up at near 11 (: went town and bought marks n spencer n sushiiii (SO YUMMY) i love wasabi can!! haha! bused down to cg and cg was really interesting. Art of communicating. and i got to know Jun Yi.. who's from UWCSEA too! Omg:) and her sisters are in Melbourne U which is my sisters school now too :D feels goooood! ahaha
After cg talked to my beloved shannon chelsea n meme for awhile, SLAMWICH cool! went to holland v after that with the 7 of the others. isaac sat on geralds lap, ahhaa. watched them hav bs and then i joined gerald and isaac and we saw geralds cool constipated nric photo which is .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohman. dinner with jolyn ambrose rita isaac which was retarded with ugly photos (gr!) and HOME.
ok so now i'm deciding whether to be sacrificial and wake up at 6.30 to book seats even though im not of much use, but the fellowshipping is good, or i shd just mug more and sleep in slightly later :D