It's time for a new beginning (:
history maker, here i come.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Omg k i woke up at 7.50 am today -.- like .... suckssss!! Saturday is my big sleep-in and it completely got ruined. Hahahaa ohh well. Yeah ok so i watched tv, like famous assasinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Haha!) and bugggg with the cool dude who always gets bitten on history and animal planet :) Knowledgeable or what! Hahahahaa.
After that used the com and decided to go to bpp to buy OBS stuff... yeah so i spent like near 50 dollars at watsons ?!?!?! and i got basically nearly all i needed to buy. I dnno how hq spent 300 bucks. Crazy. AHAHA yah. And after that i was dam lazy to walk home cos it was so hot so i just waundered arnd and arnd bpp and got a drink at starbucks and then jap and kopitiam. the sushi place not opened :(
saw gabriel and his dad (HAHA!!) and then i walked home. i was totally praying maybe i could hitch a ride from them but darn... :P i'm home now! todays gonna be greattttttttttt. i think :D
PS. I have no bag for OBS. My sis took all the duffels. How?!
so happy so happy!!
this week of really trying to hold on with God proved worthwhile :)
hahaha but ohhmann im so tired now i was practically crying on the way home :P Ohman all i want to do is crash... but i need to go talk to God first lalalalla and after that its hello dreamland for me. =)
this is the first time i dont feel that excited that the week is over.. lol... weird! but that doesnt mean i aint lookin forward to weekend :P
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Brrrrrr. The joy of today :D Chinese was just doing newspaper cutttings (Yeahhhh baby), then Lang arts wass umm umm discussing some cool passage and i wasnt tired at all, surprise!!
Recess was doing work. :} I'm trying to study, cannot meh! Then it was physics, and omg I PASSED THE QUIZ and got 8!! WOO omg God rocks God rocks i failed the first one pretty badly (okay.. REALLY badly) and mrs wong was like all threatening -.- Gah. but yeah i improved this time Heeee it was really God's amazing miracles, all the formulas suddenly just popped into my head like OMG man!!
Then we had math, which was also doing work, no lessons. Woah. the teachers super nice today. Lunch... i stayed in classed and studied again AHAHA mathmathmath while qiuluan sat next to me like a pixieeee heh :D
Then had bio, mrs wong changed the quiz into a ws! itslike.. WOOOOOOOOO! today was awesum madness man... After school went btp with susanna to get solid fuel and then i realised i left my file in school so i had to go back and take... that was like the only bad point abt today but OOO WELL im not gonna let my memory get the better of me so basically, TODAY WAS GREATTTTTTT.
and i shall go rest and perhaps studyy now:D 2 more days!
w445 dancing HAHAHA!! Matthew.. ruiyuan :) JIAHUI! LOL! too bad cant enlarge ):
Hello Luvlies. Today was Klutz day for me i couldn't stop dropping things. I kept on dropping my pens and stuff and then i dropped two test tubes in one lab session. (omg man so pro right)
Lots of events and stuff going on nowdays and i'm feeling abit tight... but man God's been really showing me the way out.. abit by abit. I'm really glad i pressed on to be faithful because it doesn't take long for God to show Himself to you, as long as you cry out for Him AMEN?:D
Yeahhh so tomorrow is likeeee bio quiz, and i'm really praying to God that there will be no math quiz this week. Oh! and tomorrow is Tennis B'Div Finals... GOOD LUCK DARLING TRICIA! I'm so sorry i'm not going to support... but i love you all the same and i hope you show of your sexy tennis skills and win whoever you're meant to :) heeeeeh!
Lunch was nicee playing game with joy eunice and songyangggggg! cherie is so.. LOL!!! funniest girl alive. Ok. nvm :)
3 days to weekend! WOO
PS. i didn't mention. But YIXUAN. Oh man. You're the nicest girl alive, you've blessed me sosososos much financially and non-financially wise, jiayou for your cts, ur always in my prayers girl (:
Sunday, February 22, 2009
HELLO LUVVVVS :D haha zomg sian 4 more days of school then OBS! I cant wait seriously seriously seriously i cant imagine the funness and the dirtyness :D
i'm a clean freak but when i'm meant to get dirty i love getting dirty. Eve's at OBS now! Omg its like we're gonna be at exactly where they are in a weeks time:)
chem quiz today was good. 14/15. stupid mistake. i just cant seem to get a full marks -______- HUMANS was funnyyy, miss adriana wong told us about her car stories it was so funny hahaha. YEAH. cme / cct discussed funny stuff with shufang susanna peian mandy and hsiaofong. Hahaha it was so funny me and susanna suck at chinese... ):
OK! :D cant wait for OBS! many things i wish to leave behind just for a break, but of course some which i wish i could take along with me too (:
God, please, take over, take control, over me, my life, and everything that surrounds me.
You... lifted me out... You lifted me out... and set me dancing, dancing
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hello. Ohman sian its like 12am now and i'm discussing chinese proposal (which might actually get quite interesting as well as doing math, of which i do not know how to do ANY QUESTION at all. Siannn. I'm tryying trryying....
Omg Pastor Zhuang is soo cute and every single thing He preached abt last night applied so much into my life that i couldn't help but be touched by the power of God :)
The opening was really fun and funky, played the Emerge version of the "class bomb" thing, omg it was sooo FUN and retarded man!! HAHAHAHA everyone was like HIGHH and then praise was so cool cos we had floor seats.. where they removed the seats so we were like jumpjumpjump in a wholeee crowd!:D then Annabel CAME! and led worship (: then she asked the whole hall of people to join hands and JUMP TOGETHER FOR GOD!! HAHA THAT FELT SOOOO FAN-TAS-TICCC!
School i/cs got called out to the front n got slained:) oh man i feel so lucky that was really God's night for me and i could feel the Holy Spirit flood into my heart from that touch of God :D YEAHH so krys sent home, hilarious ride where she ruined my rep by telling the " my mom does not drive" story. zzz. i thought that was buried foreverrr hahaha.
Slept at 1 and woke up at near 11 (: went town and bought marks n spencer n sushiiii (SO YUMMY) i love wasabi can!! haha! bused down to cg and cg was really interesting. Art of communicating. and i got to know Jun Yi.. who's from UWCSEA too! Omg:) and her sisters are in Melbourne U which is my sisters school now too :D feels goooood! ahaha
After cg talked to my beloved shannon chelsea n meme for awhile, SLAMWICH cool! went to holland v after that with the 7 of the others. isaac sat on geralds lap, ahhaa. watched them hav bs and then i joined gerald and isaac and we saw geralds cool constipated nric photo which is .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohman. dinner with jolyn ambrose rita isaac which was retarded with ugly photos (gr!) and HOME.
ok so now i'm deciding whether to be sacrificial and wake up at 6.30 to book seats even though im not of much use, but the fellowshipping is good, or i shd just mug more and sleep in slightly later :D
Thursday, February 19, 2009
tomorrow is friday, my long awaited day has finally arrived!(:
today was ok la. haha. math quiz again was -________-
okay so today first attempt i flunked (srsly), but then i realised got 2nd attempt and all my mind-blocked mistakes i managed to change. That gave me a full marks :D But then mrs tan say only first one counted HAHAHA.
i believe i believe i believe that this is God telling me to be even more specific:)
"God, i hope to get full marks for my quizzes when they are counted in the CA and on the first attempt" Haha. Aiya, it was too hilarious alr la i had nothing to be sad abt :P
LA was omg falling asleep. The lesson was quite interesting, but i was so tired. Recess Discussed LA, Then humans, ms adriana wong is so funny. She was teaching us abt lians and bengs and kengs and huays? AHAHAHA omg it was HILARIOUS!! Shes such an awesome teacher :) Chinese = write compo. ZZ. Lunch was playing badminton match with yuehan, AHHAHAHAHA i won!!!!! LOL!!! is ok yuehan, we both suck at badminton together hahaha today was pure luck n grace frm God:) Continued doing compo after the match which lasted 5 min. (You can imagine our standard now.)
Compocompo all the way till chem. Chem was like fun. good. i learn alot and i dont feel like falling asleep, or maybe im just too scared to. haha. Then dismissed. continued writing compo -________-
finished 2.30, went ccm training with cherie chermain and joy. HEEE they r so funny man!! especially cherie :) she is the "AI GUO BU ZHANG" LOL!!!! xiao ai ren~~ and joy!! xiao-er ai-er ren hahaha. kidding la. :P
ccm training was so boring. lol it was ok la. free refreshments.. heh? :P after that waited with chermain for her to finish her compo and then headed home while she went to hwachong for councillors meeting. Omg. their meetings end like 10+ 11pm ITS LIKE WUTTTT. councillors r amazing. and the rest of us still complain. haha.
Yahhh so its friday tmr im so happi :) Haha. My phone bill came in and it was like LOLLL!!!!
Outgoing = 217 minutes. (actually mum was only angry abt this)
sms = 2800?! HAHA ok i did alot of mass sms-ing this month so explanable.
Incoming = 891 MINUTES!! LOL!!!!
Funny la. Haha.
K:) i shall end with another poem! im not those cool lit people who can write their own poems, but i've found alot of poems which hav really touched my heart so let me just list them down bit my bit:)
A vessel tarnished, broken, useless,
thrown on the trash heap one night.
And was found by the Master Potter,
Searching through the 'rejects of life.'
When He found this dirty
old vessel,
He looked at it closely, and saw
It contained an inherent
In spite of it's obvious flaw.
He carried it back to His
His trained eye could already see,
An object of beauty and
That it was intended to be.
He repaired and cleaned the old
Polished to it's natural shine
Became once more a thing of
Was truly, 'one of a kind.'
My life was that broken old
Battered, ruined, thrown away.
I lay there, no hope of recovery,
Till the Master found me that day.
He loved me, He cleansed me,
redeemed me;
Adopted me as His own.
Gave to my life a brand new meaning,
Brought peace, where once there was none
by Gertrude
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I won’t ask why I cry today,
It must be the treason
I won’t ask why I feel sad today,
It must be the season.
I won’t ask why I hurt today,
God must have a reason.
Angela Tanner
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
today was FAST!
bio prac, which i didnt have to do anything lol.
clc lecture, which was writing some stupid essay where u write 3 points and its full marks alr :D
math at com lab. where we had a quiz and I FINALLY GOT FULL MARKS. omg i've been praying and praying and praying. but then the internet broke down so mrs tan decided the quiz wont be counted in CA.. SIAN -_- i guess thats why we must be specific in prayers, haha i only wrote in my PrayerBook thing "Full marks for a quiz". I guess now i have to write "Full marks for a quiz and that it will be counted in CA".
Haha well God DID answer my prayers, so i believe He will again and again, this is just a lesson to be more specific LOL!
HUMANS- ecinue, chermain, ziwei (who keeps holding my hand and touching my butt -.-), hannahh and stephanies grp presented (: they gave free sweets and their presentation was really good :D !
LUNCH WAS AWESUM! i revised chem notes and then hannah came over and we just spent the rest of the lesson singing hillsong songs and shes crazy over LOVE ENOUGH too! AHHAHA!!!!!!! we're like totally telepathic! and then we shared testimonies and it was so nice to be able to do this with someone outside cg :) while having such a nice moment hsiaofong and peizhen were being ridiculous in the background and blasting all the oldies which was like SO FUNNY!!!
haha last lesson physics. mrs nv come. yayyy hahaha! we just finshed 2 worksheets and me and peian r so productive together we like zoomed thru the entire thing :D
DISMISSAL : home with suaku susanna n sam. which was so funny and retarded. and we met simone. S-S-S all the S people haha. NOW ITS TIME TO MUG!!! even though i have no lunch to eat AGAIN becos theres like no food at home and the stores r all closed outside -.- nvm dads gonna be back at like 5 to deliver me food (hopefully if he doesnt forget) otherwise im just gonna starve and become the "skinny bitch" justina claims me to be HAHAA!!! Dads leaving for australia to meet my sis n kathy n amy i think tonite so safe trip dadd:)
WEE~~ happy girl here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D and now its 2 days to the friday! YESSS! be strong julie. be strong. (:
HELLOO. sianzzz. ohman well at least its like 3 more days of school and then its back to the WEEKENDS! Then its one more week of school and then OBS, oh man i'm dying to escape from the busy life as much as i want to stay here. ):
i've actually been mugging relatively much lately :D i dont even like watch tv or slack anymore. or read my tintin. or read any storybooks. or play any games. lol. i am a no life freakxzxzz and i'm enjoying every moment of the studying. amazingly.
i can't wait till friday. some drama thing preparing for emerge! i thought no emerge this year? :o haha well looks like MAYBE there is (: wednesday and thursday should pass relatively fast becos of all the stuff lined up on thurs and wed is like my break day where i can study more relaxingly.... and friday i just haveta get through the day and mrs wong wont be here (woo) SO YES:) im really looking forward to the end of the week.
lang arts was so funny today. cherie and carrie r hilarious. carring carrie.. RIGHTT !!! HAHA!! you MUSTED not lie about stuff like that ok:) HAHAHA! lunch with susanna and cherie and sihui saying weird retarded stuff, oh man they r so super funny. (L)!!!!
oh and justina foo. -.- she is so embarrassing me la she just suddenly stared at me down the stairs and shouted" OMG JULIE! IS THAT YOU! YOU LOST WEIGHT" -.- i wanted to ddddieeee hahahahahaha but anw no i hav not lost weight im still the same weight.. sorry no its MASS (haha physics) as before.
ok. i said it once and i'll say it again. i cant wait for friday. i cant wait for friday. i cant wait for friday. i need to have fun. but for now, schools gd enuff for me :) omg man i cant seem to de-attach myself from the com and thats so not good...
i love 'love enough'. an amazing Strength guiding me. :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
happy valentines all! :D
happy birthday isaac and william (:
today's cell was sooooosooooo aweesum partly becos me gerald and justin were totally hiding from embarrassment and snickering at other ppl wahahhaa :D
but of course we couldn't escape the wrath somehow and i'm so glad qi doesn't have such thing as facebook -.-
games with w417 me and gerald i/cing, they tried to hide outta their forfeits and gen and jarrad were totally ^.^ buttt yeah they had to do it in the end and you shoulda seen their faces doing the peanut butter thing, go purify yourselves, HAHAHA!!!
after that with w445, faith and jade r so cuteee and then back to the house and me and maoo just slacked around , actually it was just me, he just sat there while i rolled around and obsessed over the CCC = christopher, clifford, and clifton?'s carpet! eh :D i think so! ahhaa. mao is so weird.
gift exchange which we missed most of then leaving time!
high-ing over at the guardhouse where ruiyuan told the guard that i was crazy, seriously. SERIOUSLY): and then like he swastik and CHELSEA!!! (:() kept on throwing pebbles onto me while jarrad , the only nice gentleman went back to take my shoes n bag, awwwe!
Continueing... now because last nights cheena keyboard screwed up my word as seen from the "carpet" above! haha yeah so i went back to join chloe who was playing such nice songs wee i love you qi :) and then then we went home!
so valentines was a success. thanks and good job to Gerald!:) and i guess jarrad and rita for their "so-called" help AHAHA. and to justin and swastik for i/c-ing the games!
SUNDAY SERVICE WAS JUST SO AWWW:) the message was hilarious, and then pastor called all couples down for ring exchange! and kiss! :D AWW!!! Hahahahaha! and then we said Happy Birthday Pastor Niko!
Changi Airported and stayed behind with ruiyuan and samuel and we went drunk and i managed to complete and understand more physicsss yay! gonna mug. ive beeen mugging and i mugging. And i love God :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Nothing We Can’t Handle
No matter what distressing times I face,
When rain and storms replace the sunny weather,
When things I counted on fail to sustain me,
There’s nothing we can’t handle, Lord, together.
If those I thought were friends act more like foes,
If I start to lose the things I hold most dear,
I know that I can tell it all to You;
You want to listen to me and to hear.
When my earthly world dissolves before my eyes,
When problems seem too great for me to bear,
You’ll always be there for me, Lord, I know;
I can come to you on bended knees in prayer.
It’s such a comfort, Lord, to realize,
You’ll always be my King, my Lord, my Friend;
To share my burdens, worries, and my cares,
You’ll love me and support me to the end.
By Joanna Fuchs.
Ahh. Amazing.
i doubt ill have time to blog because this weekend is just so packed, but happy valentines day to all the people i love out there!(:
today was such a good day at school but thanks especially to sumei hahaha u really touched me :)
Happy valentines again one and all!
w445! my connectgrp! w417! 304! 205!
but most imptly, my beloved best friend, Jesus :) Happy birthday my First Love!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ok okok first first GET WILL MINQHEE !): my cutey had her yucky thing taken out of her ): HAHA appendix la! Yeah so she wont be in school still next wed.
todaytoday was okok quite fast :D first 2 hours not in class, recess, then chinese which was just reading interesting newspaper abt how teenagers had underraged... AHEM (cos of vday ma) then humans which is always so interesting that i didnt wanna leave class halfway!
for invest we had to wear like OMGGG the ugly blue blazor =( HAHAA invest was quite fun i guessss played with eunice's pulse rate zomg hahaha. after that tuition and ben is SO NICE!!!! and then bs for meme shannon and wenglin joined us =D reached home 7.30, as u can see busy day but weee i feel good!
OK aanw the MOST IMPT THING of today is.. CONGRATS RUI!!!!! =D omg =D AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH see i told u u could do it :) i told u i told u i told u ur so amazing laaa God is SO AWESOME la :D
WEEE ok im done here, FRIDAY! HAPPYEARLY VDAYS! i bought my flowerrrrss heee :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
OK! QUICK POST! for no apparent reason!
must be faithful to my kids!
school = adhashjdashdsja. monday was like omg started out so so so screwed that i dunno what happened but thanks xx for being there for me )= always )= the day improved and deproved but improved as a whole yay and God gave me so much strength. how how how.
today is tuesday = pe and bio spa and la timed trial which made the day past fast which is yay. bs after school for meme at kap where shannon tagged along = aweeeeesome. bused to jw church after that and i then realised how happy my spirit was that i was gg to church i was literally yearning and feeling more n more comforted as the bus neared. reached there 5.30, no place like home. did hw for awhile and then the prayermeeting started, isaac came yay i wasnt a loner anymore anyway pm was AMAZING i was just shout-praying becos i just felt that i needed to pray more and more and more and more so that was awesome praying for an hour then dad fetched us and isaac very fail and rusty but thanks anw hahaha.
i am going to jiayoujiayoujiayou :D
Saturday, February 07, 2009
oh my the rest of the world must have already moved into the 22nd century.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
i do not like lessons ):
OHMAN i feel so emo when i get home nowadays HAHAHA must be pms or something. today i went to kap with susanna and shufang after school after much pointless screaming :P we talked and shared and i got to noe them better, love two of u muah (:
omg susanna is so funny. when i asked her if she knew ambrose.
"that bald head guy with the square shaped bag (does the square sign) is it?"
HAHA!! ambrose cabbed down to kap from home like wth and we went to cine and met rui matt ignatius and bumped into rita who joined us. watched bride wars, met some ppl which made matt so loser and we just hung out at subway and laughed at ambroses retarded friends who r so dam -.-
IT WAS HILARIOUS =D so happy i saw ritagoh today, missed you!!!=D
cheer up abt ur turtle minqheeeeee (:
valentines day next week, ambrose esther rita!! LETS DO THIS!!!:D
i dont wanna blog really but its like no place to share emotions at all, so i must blog. i am totally wasting time here which is gonna make me even more tired tmr but im simply so sian. tmr is like tuition. and i cant stop staring at the clock during lessons. an average of 10 times per lesson, seriously, thats why i can never remember to say QILI and XINGLI omg:P diedie! hahaa today is nerice and yunge bday, so happy bday u two funny ppl :D
its like 2 more days to the weekend and i pray that the weekend will last forever but o well it wont, after all its just 10 months to end year holidays where i can spend all my days having fun with w445. for now, 304 is doing an awesome job at satisfying my social and happiness needs n i seriously love love love everyone(:
its been so long since i could feel that i was naturally at ease with ppl around me, so long so long, and now that i feel it it feels great. hope 304 will be like 6f, but aiya, so emo! ppl always come and go, sometimes when their in your life and yet at the same time they aren't. trusting ppl has always been easy and yet hard for me, so weird! i am so irritating sometimes hahaha.
i need to stop being so .. wat do u call this "self-peace" ? when i do this i breathe so deeply and i am imagining myself sucking in energy as i breathe. it feels good and psychologically, it actually helps. it makes me feel like i'm smoking opium or some other high drug. haha. im all legal :D no worries.
2 mre days. cg & service i cant wait.
ps. tomorrow is my most special person on earths bday. (:
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