today was.. how should i say?
good.. bad...?
yup well.
the good thing was that i talked to justina during lunch...
she was crying all alone and i managed to get lotsa stuff out of her and learn more about her at the same time =)
i think she really is a great person.. as we all are, its just that the people in our class need abit.. no ALOT more understanding in their hearts.
anyway, cheer up justina! :D
oh yup...
krystle called me last night!!!!
seems stupid right.. but i havent had a more than 3 minute convo with her on the phone since like june last year...
thanks krys, thanks so much for all e encouragement and stuff :)
1st part of the convo was... more of the lecture side.. im so sad abt e parents complainin :(( haha. then was the how are you doing julie, are you doing ok.. then was the praising isaac part which was really long...apparently he is the "dark horse that rose out from the shadows" -.-.... um.. feel happy isaac i guess??
and yup, it's time i start catching up with isaac again.. haha. even thou we joined church together and took the same bs together, but i can really feel that he's so much more mature than me already and yes... to be able to do that during the o level year.. what can i say.. im really proud and happy for him =) haha.
well i shant talk abt the rest of the convo cos it's really something for me... but i can say that the words she spoke are really starting to weave a vision into me.. a bit by a bit (=
oh and of course thanks too to pauline... she really has done so much for me.
krystle and pauline, wow they really are such great people, just by hearing a few words from krystle, or just by reading pauline's blog and hearing her pray for me, i can just feel in love with God again.
awesome (: i am one lucky lucky girl.
haha well i wont be posting e pics anymore
since i uploaded all of them onto facebook..
well, almost all, just for the privacy and reputation of some ppl,
i wont upload those photos... they'll just be something for a good laugh when im feeling down :p
these are the 3 people who have helped me, guided me, cheered me, moulded me, cared for me and whom i wish to be. thanks for making everyday a day worth living (:
but of course... without GOD...
i never would have met these people...
krystle, anlynn, isaac, pauline, ajay...
and my life might not have sucked... but it sure can't beat the love i feel around me now... so when after this longgg n draggy post... all i can say that once again, it's the power of God that makes everything so real. Thank you God (:
as for now, it's a leap year tomorrow!
which also means, GIRLS!! TIME TO PROPOSE TO YOUR GUYS!!
and best of all, THEY MUST SAY YES!! (trish must be takin advantage of this day,hahaha)
PS. OH YESSS. i'm changing my phone number temporarily for 3 weeks as of around... 10 pm tonight. ohhh and this number will be kept PRIVATE, as in extremely private to reduce my sms number so those who i give my numb to, please please don't tell ANYONE about it, unless i say yes :D thankyouuuu!