It's time for a new beginning (:

history maker, here i come.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Term Progress Report.

Grading: 1;2;3;4 [ 4 being maximum amount of marks received ]


No.; Attitude ; Grading

1) Participates in class discussions : 2

2) Attentive in class : 3

3) Submits work punctually : 3

No. ;Skills & Abilities ; Grading

1) Good at grasping concepts : 2

2) Able to analyse data and events : 2

3) Able to elaborate on ideas : 2

4) Able to justify different points of view : 2


No.; Attitude ; Grading

1) Participates in class discussions : 2

2) Attentive in class : 3

3) Submits work punctually : 3

No. ;Skills & Abilities ; Grading

1) Good at grasping concepts : 2

2) Able to analyse data and events : 2

3) Able to elaborate on ideas : 2

4) Able to justify different points of view : 2

Integrated Mathematics

No.; Attitude ; Grading

1) Shows interest in the subject : 3

2) Attentive in class : 3

3) Puts effort in her work : 3

4) Submits work punctually : 4

No.; Skills & Abilities ; Grading

1) Able to present working coherently :3

2) Pays attention to details : 3

3) Able to apply concepts learnt : 3

4) Competent at algebraic manipulation :3


Julie, I believe you can do much better. Do not be afraid to ask questions during lessons.


No.; Laboratory Skills ; Grading

1)Has a concept of accuracy : 2

2) Able to deduce logically from observations :2

3) Able to observe correctly : 3

4) Proficient in manipulative skills : 2

No.; Attitude ; Grading

1) Shows interest in the subject: 2

2) Works well in a group :2

3) Produces quality written work: 2

4)Submits work punctually :4

5) Responsive in class 2

Language Arts

Julie displays potential and needs to speak up more in class discussions. With more effort, she should be able to do better.


CHINESE LANGUAGE & CULTURE CO:39/70 ; FW:14.0/20 ; CR:41.0/57 ;TT:68/100


HISTORY : TT:19.5/25 ; AS:15.0/20

INTEGRATED MATHEMATICS QZ:6.0/10 ; QZ:6.0/10 ; TT:31.0/50

LANGUAGE ARTS OC:15.0/25 ; QZ:18.0/25 ; CO:19.0/30

LOWER SECONDARY SCIENCE AS:13.0/20 ; AS:14.0/20 ; PR:7.0/10 ; Qz:4/6 ;TT: 21/30

AS - Assignments PR - Practical
CO - Composition QZ - Quiz
CR - Comprehension SIA - Student Initiated Assessment
FW - Functional Writing (CL) SM - Summary (CL)
OC - Oral Communication (EL) TT - Test

I find this very amusing.
There's a reason why i hate teachers and teachers hate me!
I'm a failure.
Didn't post up chinese one since couldn't [:
But xu lao shi wrote very good stuff for me.
Apparently, i have potential in chinese!
Oh well (=
Time to die tonight!

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